Nikolaus Party 2005
This year was affected by the FFW Scheyern Nicholas with his wild companions, the Krampus. The Nikolaus celebration began with the traditional address by the first Board Walter Ruland, who was allowed to welcome this time equal to 3 mayor. The incumbent mayor Albert Mueller, the 2nd Mayor Christine Pfab and the old and honored Mayor Rudy Reimer. He gave a brief recap of the past year and thanked all comrades, for their active support and assistance without which such an association could not be run. Special thanks also earned Reinhilde Ruland, the back for setting up and decorating for the holidays saw Nicholas. With joy, he noted that the hall was packed again and had to move closer together the guests, so all was room for. He handed over to Commander Armin Daxberger, who reported on the next scheduled events and 1 Commander Richard Krimmer, who unfortunately could not be present, all the best and wished speedy recovery. Then took Mayor Albert Mueller, the word, and joined the well wishes. He thanked for the excellent level of performance and commitment of active firefighters. Together with Christine Pfab he handed Anton Weichenrieder a certificate of honor for his 40 years of membership and tireless work in the organization leadership. Erika Weichenrieder received for your understanding and support of your spouse as a thank you a bunch of flowers. Then might the guests taste the delicious Hirschragoút, which was by Albert Finny and Fischl prepared in the usual manner. The poor but genuine antlers came first from the pen of Albert meal. After that band played the FFW in a new formation contemplative, but also lively Christmas carols until the arrival of St. Nicholas and Krampus. Unfortunately, this year fell Ruland Florian (drums) and Theresa Zull (flute, vocals) from. It could, however, found equal to 5 followers be the group with Susanne Pichler (guitar), Martin Ruland (keyboards) and Frank Schrimpf (bass) again increased staffing. Newly arrived: Carina Brenner (drums), Manuel Brenner (flute), Yvonne Thies (flute), Rebecca Cook (vocals), Lukas Burger (vocals). The beginning of the musical performance made the two "gnomes" Karina and Kilian Reichlmair (flute / vocals) with typical Bavarian Christmas songs. The performers were rewarded after each song with great applause. To the strains of "Santa Claus is coming to town" then pulled a Santa Claus with his fierce agents. At the beginning of Nicholas said that he, when all cases wanted to bring today evening or tomorrow morning should be there. On the whole, so the year would actually have been quite peaceful. But individuals would have had at this time provided for larger representation, so that the deeds should be punished in portions. The cup went this time to the two doctors Manfred Kneilling and Bernd Pichler graciously (at least in part) over now. But this time had been the innocent Charly Schuller - keyword Taxi Service lands in the ditch - to the delight of the public serve on several occasions. After the distribution of small gifts to the little ones were Niko Laus and Sado Krampus adopted with great applause. With mulled wine, cookies and gingerbread Then there was the raffle, which offered this year even more valuable prizes. Among the many donated prizes were as: electrical appliances from the company Kreitmair, 2 Flights of Rainer Hensel, a flight from the company Ehrmann and Kainz and a complete kitchen with a value of 900, - € kitchens from the company Karl. All donors would like to take this opportunity to thank. We also thank the organizers and the many industrious hands that provided before, during and after the party for a smooth process and the success.
Finally went to meet the celebrations in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere to an end. At a late hour and after some mulled wine is jammed, the band members further behind their instruments and microphones, and even blessed the audience with a "freestyle - session, which was again rewarded with huge applause. The latter were then in for the long walk home ahead of him - stood without Charley, whose "Taxi Service" (for a given reason) not available.