Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Play Pokemon Crystal On Web

civil association "Citizens for Landshut 'social commitment from

praised in a small ceremony, the civil association "Citizens for Landshut" the social work of the "Life Teen Challenge" and gave the founder and CEO Heinz Ulrich presented a check for 1000 €. Funds provided by the Social Affairs Group, under the direction of Monika Hösl and members of the BFL, and actions were collected in each year are fed to the Christmas season a "social purpose". Heinz Ulrich simultaneously by the BFL board Georg Baumann for his, already 30 years of excellent, tireless efforts in child and youth work with the Silver Herzl "Citizens for Landshut. An award presented by the Association BFL under the motto "With a heart for Landshut" for outstanding services to the Landshut citizenship to citizens. In his speech mentioned BFL City Council Bernd Friedrich, that, in the financial crisis of the city, financially covered windows applications in the City Council to support Life Teen Challenge ", as in the House budget done, are not appropriate. This should include only actions. In this aspect was the choice this year on the excellent work primarily with volunteers from Life Teen Challenge.
was at the same event, a sum of money for the relief of poverty, the sister of a suddenly deceased single mother who takes care of the surviving five children, passed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kates-playground Office

Merry Christmas

AFSers love, love, families,

In the name of AFS Vorarlberg, we wish you all a merry festive season and a happy new year 2010.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Apollo Allusion From Romeo And Juliet

Arrival Camp Summer 2009 International Volunteer Day

"The Arrival Camp had this year 127 regular members and two birthday boys All guest students have met for 4 days in Tulln in Lower Austria, to get a taste of Austria and so good as possible on the exciting early days here preparing.
25 Maintainer have almost all majoring spoken in German, English, Thai, Cantonese, French, Czech, English, Italian, Mandarin, and with hands and feet and told to make this weekend for the participants unforgettable. "

Theresa Haider, LK Salzburg

Here are some impressions:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maplestory-how To Make A Ring

Congratulations AFS Volunteers!

December 5, 2009

Dear AFS Volunteer,

Today is International Volunteer Day, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985, and a very special day for the AFS Network. Today, we stop to appreciate the miracles that are made to happen every day by the tens of thousands of AFS Volunteers like you, working in their own countries as part of a worldwide community.

These miracles happen when people who may be from opposite sides of the world are helped to become a family. They happen when a young person who can see beyond his or her own borders is supported in pursuing the dream of living abroad. The miracles happen when you and people like you around the world have the patience and the love to inspire and support our AFS participants.

Collectively, AFS Volunteers like yourself are a force for peace and understanding in the world. You are the people who make AFS possible and you are the reason why, today—after 63 years, we are a worldwide Network whose constituents number in the millions. You are a force whose impact should not be underestimated.

So, thank you for the work you do every day for AFS and for the AFS participants in your area. I know that even though we can only express our appreciation to you, as an organization, once in a while; that your real thanks comes in knowing the results of the work and the caring that you invest in the people you interact with as an AFS Volunteer every day.

Connecting people, supporting them and earning trust, and inspiring them to be and do better. That is the stuff that AFS miracles are made of, miracles made by AFS Volunteers like you, every day.

With much appreciation for all that you do,

Francisco "Tachi" Cazal
President and CEO
AFS Intercultural Programs

Honda Civic 08front Bracket License Plate Attache

budget speech for the 2010 budget - BFL Group - 04.12.2009, Group Chairman Bernd O. Fried olfactory

Dear Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen. Without

long prefaces and without straining your patience further, I begin my remarks, first from a different level of consideration, also by looking outside the box. First a few facts and figures from the financial and budgetary affairs of federal policy.

have the consequences of the financial and economic crisis at the federal, state, local and social security, in the first half of 2009, a hole of more than 57 billion / in words ripped 57 000 million euros in cash. Read at the Federal Statistical Office - the deficit widened by € 50 billion within a year.

The reasons for this are Finanzdesater you all know. I call the perpetrators: They were the banks and sometimes with the complicity of the politicians on the boards. We think especially of the BY-state bank.

gigantic cost of bank rescue, the cost of short-time work and both stimulus packages have brought to the fast spending, as revenues from taxes have decreased substantially. We feel today and immediately by the bad news on Wednesday that will suffer, according to projections for 2010, the EC tax for our city of 2.7 million €.
In the social health insurance schemes and the gaping holes billion. In 4 weeks, the end of 2009, the public sector therefore with 1.7 trillion / ---- 1.7 trillion € ---- that is, we are indebted to another criterion will miss the euro stability pact by far. With a total debt of more than 74% of the gross domestic product, we are exceeding the prescribed rate far exceeding 60%.

In aviation there is a phenomenon, called spin, the spiral. The aircraft turns around its vertical axis with increasing speed and stall out and clean-up to the fatal crash. In the same situation is our Republic. To recognize the figures which I will now call:
Exactly 30 years ago, in 1979, it was the second oil crisis, the debt rose to 200 billion for the first time €. Ten years later it was € 475 billion, according to another decade of 1999, there were already € 1.2 billion and € 1.7 trillion today.

This debt spiral will revolve faster in the future, because next year the federal government will have to include only a record high of 100 billion €. Although the new debt should be reduced gradually in the following period, according to official financial planning itself in 2013 with 46 billion € have been almost as many new mortgages as in the current financial year.

At this point I would like to quote the BDI President Keitel: "In a crisis, it is not enough to drive out of sight. For with this supposedly safe course is already capsized the Titanic. Therefore, one must look beyond the horizon and wonder where you will land at all, "

Finance ministers from federal and state governments have established with the so-called debt break even on a leash. Consequently may subsequently be structural, not cyclical so net borrowing by the Federal from 2016 up to 0.35 percent of gross domestic product - less than a tenth of current rates. And, according to this definition, may the states from 2020 to spent any more debts.

hold promise in this situation today, tax cuts and other benefits for our pure "populism" say so, most experts all over the country. - Especially when you consider that public funds have to withstand up to 2012 cyclical tax revenue of 300 billion €.

Not that anyone has the idea this was no pessimism ----, ,----- colleagues there are facts and figures.

Currently each of the 82 million Germans is with € 19,800 in debt. Although few people understand the national debt than their debts. But that will change dramatically. For the first who must respond to the financial problems we are getting the communities and our citizens to feel it immediately. For our main source of income, the business tax are predicted at the federal level down to 40% loss of revenue for the coming years.

The positive signals that it is up to the economy are still elusive. From extended working hours and be imminent bankruptcies to rise next year the unemployment figures further. A few days ago, the International Monetary Fund pointed out that the banks had written off the world to spring for 1.1 billion euros in securities. They are only about ¼ of the rotten paper warns Prof. sense of IFO Institute.

The insolence of many banks that were supported with billions of taxpayer dollars, is that they sell these funds already toxic assets. Shall be offered on the New York Stock Exchange, as there had been no financial crisis, recently called "Remic. They are bundled toxic and non-toxic securities tied to the new packages, with promises of large bonuses to investment banks for top retailers. Considered by experts as a starting point for a new financial crisis.

Let's go back to Bavaria, the BY-state bank. From the "Black Book 2009" the taxpayer shows that the Free State had to meet the financial needs of the state bank with a debt from 10 billion euros to save it from bankruptcy. Ladies and gentlemen, this has an impact on our financial resources, as in the previously described "bad news" is mentioned. The display of the taxpayers' federation in December 2008 on the prosecution to date has not even led to a document number. A criminal treatment against former and current board members remain from the past. Bayern driven into debt, says the same article. The bill for paying the tax payer.

We think especially today in the adoption of the budget in 2010 because the tax money is only borrowed taxpayer money to politicians that we, ladies and gentlemen and ladies, trust services as defined in the public interest for citizens and appropriate use should. Consider also that until the taxpayers' Memorial Day, which this year was the 14th July, the tax payer for his own wallet works. For the high-income taxpayers is the dependency ratio, this year at 53.3 percent, increasing in proportion to the "benefits" to finance the state or the municipalities through the tax and social contributions.

Before this important background, we consider our decisions for the 2010 budget.

The immediate consequences of this that I have described previously reduced resources, we feel immediately. As a recent example, the Free State has now made the 'model Landshut " withdrawn. An important task of the city and county now must shoulder alone.

And that brings me to our 2010 budget, which we will adopt today. Let me here some of us go much appearing points.

Our guideline to the 2009 budget is in the context of an overall debt burden of our city from around 264 million €, a balanced budget without borrowing.

The tax net income for 2010 is around 79 million € 3.3 million € to 2009. Even in detail the business tax receipts for 2010 are around € 6.6 million higher than in 2009. They are, in our opinion, all very fragile figures which I hope our expectations.

The first shock that we received this week was that the increase in the district levy of 16.6% to 18%, drags us an extra planning holes of almost € 1 million. And it further increases are expected.
The second serious negative message that we received was the information that the expected revenue from income tax in the current 4th About a quarter of million € are reduced. This
are already signs of the overall difficult situation that we are in 2010 budget support over the next year and hopefully not into a new debt in order to implement the planned projects may budget.

The social welfare and youth services, we have growing costs. The federal government is withdrawing from these tasks. But on the cost-sharing for accommodation of the Hartz IV recipients, the state share decreases from 25.4% to 23%. Actually you should from the center of the city council will protest stricter than before. I therefore appeal to our City Council colleagues to sit in the Bundestag our worries and concerns vehemently represented in Berlin.
that we support youth organizations through voluntary contributions is necessary and good. We are, however, the funds made available to these institutions on a broad level, far too short. Aware that even here only a limited budget are available, they should be distributed better and fairer. Take, but please note that the essential support often comes from donations from social organizations, collected from citizens who are volunteers. Just as the many helpers in the youth services organizations that are committed to intensive volunteers, often without any pay. Pick up the state and local authorities have an important obligation that would otherwise be financed by taxes. We know that every euro spent in prevention saves the youth elsewhere in costs 3 euros for rehabilitation or other measures.
And this is where I say that from We think that this done volunteer work more recognition needs to find. And they should take measures to this we do not think of money, be better appreciated. As a constructive contribution to this our group will soon introduce a proposal to the City Council.

The investments and investment support from the Capital budget approach, we are in 2010 with 40% below the approach of 2009. This is very serious but given the financial situation probably no other way.

With the sale of properties we expect in the coming financial year increased efforts and income for the household.

The debt of the city continues to fall, but frightening for a total debt of € 264 million with a debt of € 0.223 million for 2010 low. Again, we assess the overall financial situation as the cause.

The claims of the city council a few comments.

Taking into account the financial crisis and the impact on the financial situation of the city, our group in the context of fiscal discipline introduced only one application, not the funding of the budget burden. Funding is provided through a loan for the cost calculator.

By and large the applications of fractions and the City Council colleagues and colleagues have their place, although the weighting based on the groups but is a certain imbalance. What we are probably all agree is the fact that the budget is under the current financial situation does not request show.

The all-party application No. 25 to the local archaeologists are in our view, certainly for one, from certain point of view, legitimate demand. Archaeology at the local level, in view of the large sites in our region and for the purposes of research for our social roots, a desirable activity. This function was about 2 years ago abolished by a vote of the then ruling party and transformed into a national task. The Budget Committee declined to 10:2 against the request. Of course, the entire City Council meets today the final decision.
far so good! addressed this issue in a meeting of the citizens is also regular table was understandable. That is, however, underwent a change of interpretation of the duplicated requests to the tables of the restaurant table, where an ordinary citizen of the City Council and a member of the Society of Archaeology in a party event, which takes not more agreeable to me. This is a prime example of lobbying. You wake attend a registered society with very philosophy needs to be taken seriously, we can not in this financial requirements.

from straight to them, Mr Radlmeier - they know that I deeply respect - and I expect them to have as county chairman of a major party more foresight in the sense of the overall context of a financial plan for a city with tight financial resources.
that it will now also require an individual vote for the proposal seems to me only suited their own profile and show promise may be justified in their club. I'm not sure if the finds full support of their "co-applicants.

I now come to the conclusion of my remarks. The

submitted to the decision balanced budget for 2010 is mainly based on the ------ happy fact that our city has been supplied to an investor who will bring us an amount of 8-10 million € taxes in the 2010 budget. I may well ask what the financial efforts are still under deletion of many important projects, thereby saving us and our citizens.

Unlike colleague Prof. Dr. Zeitler, we assess the 2010 budget not as "built on sand." We say much more he is still not on solid ground. We justify this with the still existing post of the new investor and the many obstacles amount to the overall financial position of our republic in 2000 influence take on the financial policy of our city.

In anticipation that these grants will be introduced in the 2010 budget, we agree, without the group "Citizens for Landshut," the balanced budget deficit.

Thank you, Mr. Aigner, for the result of extensive preparation and implementation of the balanced budget plan 2010th The result, which was under special circumstances, the financial crisis and the now almost daily bad news from them, Mr. Aigner is developed, particularly appreciated by us. We also thank
her entire team for this achievement.

a thought I have to conclude that at the entire City Council and the administration is directed:
We must be aware that we are all sitting in a rowboat and only with mutual respect, transparency, at eye level, in tune the boat "Landshut" can move forward. Without this unity, the boat remains available.

Thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can You Have A Bridal Shower And Ask For Money

First IAWW in St. George-Fiecht, Tirol

the weekend of 10 - 11 October there were over Austria in the first information and Auwahlwochenenden - which also applies to IAWW Tyrol and Vorarlberg, which thankfully was organized by Teresa of AFS Tyrol.
addition to the Tyrolean volunteers were also four of our volunteers on board: For Samuel and Thomas's was already going on Friday evening when the pair traveled to the preparation of the camp to Innsbruck. (Un) confirmed rumors that were subsequently infested the preparation nor the city of Innsbruck, where especially Thomas - who, together with a large suitcase on the trip came to pass - a "noisy" appearance at the Tyrolean volunteers has left;)

traveled on Saturday then Guenter and Daniela in from Vorarlberg to camp in time for the start to be Fiecht. St. George Monastery in the beautiful mountain we went on Saturday at about 12 clock with the program going. At this time, eleven Tyrolean and Vorarlberg students had gathered at the monastery. Now they have been in together or in small groups about AFS, played one or the other game and completed their first Energizer - AFS during their adventure, they are still this Energizer learn to appreciate it! ;)

After the "interview group" in the evening departed, spent the camp instructors and the students have a cozy Saturday evening, then on Sunday highly motivated in the day to start and last about AFS to obtain. Both the volunteer and the students have a very nice weekend in a pleasant atmosphere transported and enjoyed especially the good food and the hospitality of the Benedictine! All in all a good start to the new "Camp Year" - thanks to all volunteers for staff and to Theresa for organizing!  Here to conclude with some impressions of the camp:

Schematic For A 24 Volt Terminal

Congratulations, Iris!

love Iris,

We congratulate you with all my heart to complete your studies! We look We, of course, to count now for a Master of Journalism and Communications to our circle! 
We wish you both for your professional and your private life the best!

your friends from LK Vorarlberg

Right Arm Pain And Numbnessheart Attack

Second Stammtisch: Bowling in Hard

This time we have become our second Stammtisch on Friday, 16 October, in the recreation center hardware made for bowling. This time we were again very numerous: in addition to our guest students Felipe, Elina and Carolan (each host mother or even the whole family!) Were also Dieter, Felix, Thomas and of course our organizer Desiree here. And we were even two school friends of Carolan welcome! Here are some photos:

bowled was more than two hours with some more ... or less successful throws, so many laughs and, above all, great motivation and full swing, as you can see here:

any case, but all had a lot of fun and a nice evening. At about ten o'clock, the group then disbanded, as the railways had to be passed on to another group - and because "the young wild ones" still wanted to Dornbirn in the city! ;)
THANKS anyway again to Desiree for organizing and to all for coming!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Build Omega Sm300 From Parts

bike path between the Dr. Herterich Avenue or the Haydn Road or the Rennweg along the railway line


The administration is responsible for enforcing the proposed control systems for decades, foot and cycle path between Dr. Herterich Avenue or Haydn or the Rennweg street along the railway line.

is currently a building in the proposed north-south route built.
The route of the pedestrian and bicycle path is secured by planning law.
Contrary to the building permit issued in the fixed distance of 3.00 m was only created a gap of 1.8 m (Bausenat of 22/09/2009.

spans Since 1989, a previously-used Overpass the west-east trending walking and Radweq (connection between Haydn and Einseiestraße road) which passes under the railway line

Dr. Anna Maria Moratscheck
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Goderbauer-Marchner
Signed Rudolf cord
Signed Jacob Entholzner
signed signed Dr. Manfred Hölzlein
Dagmar Kaindl
signed Prof. Dr. Helmut Thomas Küffner
Signed Radlmeier
Signed: Dr. Stefan Schnurer
Signed Hans-Peter Summer
signed Gaby Sultanov
gez.lngeborg Pongratz
Signed Ludwig Zellner
Signed Sigrid Hagl
Signed Signed Robert Erwin signed Prof. Dr. Schneck
contact Christoph Zeitler
signed Bernd Friedrich
Signed: Christine Ackermann

Monday, October 5, 2009

Roller Skate Peace Sign

All the best!

Dear Claudia,

we want you on your birthday all the best! May your wishes come true! Above all, we wish you a great start to your "new life" in Beijing - we are looking forward already to listen to your reports from a distance!

your friends of AFS Vorarlberg

Heart Palpitations Tingly Fingers

first Stammtisch on Dreiländerblick

the first small peak of the new AFS provided of course is our first regular table by the 3-country look at Bildstein, where we could welcome our guest students and their families welcome! In addition to our three families (one even came with a dog!) Were also six volunteers with the party. Although the families had initially quite difficult to find (despite or because of Navi) the 3 country views, wobbled with about half an hour late, but then all of the guest house a. We then also go to the inn, the view was through clouds and fog up a 1-country view. Our
Visiting students and returnees have the same composition and the still rather timid guest pupils were equal in conversation in English, French and involved in Vorarlberg. Until then came the cheese spaetzle, the ice was broken under the host parents and excited the whole conversation. The Kässpätzle were just right for our guest students, that is quite "mild". One could also say Kässpätzle light without Rässkäs. But with plenty of pepper and salt they were fit for the experienced Kässpätzleesser! ;)

After the meal we have dealt Jass and the visiting students were Returnees from the first in the "lies" taught. After a few laps was a lie, that the beams of the dining room arch, they have to the playing cards - a card game typically Vorarlberg - daring, which of course was not quite that simple ...
champions they have not yet become, but a start with the basic rules of Jassens is made. But our guest students have indeed at least 10 months to understand all the subtleties of Jassens - we're eager to see what is at the end of their stay to their art! ;)

By 22:00 clock we have resolved the root table and Manfred has offered itself as a "guide" or the best way advance down the valley - the host families have subsequently turned off and stitched the Navis grateful to Manfred's heels. The column is then safely without further detours and other problems in the valley arrived. Unofficial reports on the follow-de have extended visiting students and Returnees in the evening ... even Dornbirn - in all a very successful evening in which we want to thank you very much for organizing and Manfred Guide-games!

Connect Headphone To Sound Blaster Audigy

urgent application (it's against delivery): Construction of a car service to the forest nursery Landshut

may decide City Council:

is from January 2010 - initially for one year test - a car service to the area of the forest nursery Landshut established.

The Government is asked to seek appropriate tenders for the transport services Landshut and private bus companies. The
Costs for the operation of the accelerator service with the city of Landshut, except for a reasonable contribution of the parents, or with the support group "forest kindergarten Landshut eV" is to be denied. This funding will be set in the 2010 budget.
With appropriate utilization of the transport service should persist through the test phase. The City Council will this fall 2010 re-submitted for decision.

Reason: The site of the forest
kindergarten is by public transport can not be achieved. All efforts to achieve
of the association "forest kindergarten Landshut eV", a connection to the RSO have failed, for technical and safety reasons.
argument in favor of accessibility of the forest nursery school by public transport, according to the applicant not only an ecological component, but especially a social aspect, finally, also parents who do not have your own car, be given the opportunity to send their child in the forest nursery .
In comparison to conventional kindergartens, the investment costs for a forest nursery
extremely minor and hold the value to the community, a diverse range of facilities for young children to be able, however large.
missing in the town of Landshut on the current Children and Youth Services Planning 185 children have school places. It should, therefore, every effort is made to the
use of existing capacity in full.
The forest kindergarten with 17 children currently is currently not fully utilized. Upon request, the board of the association, often the lack of accessibility of the site is one reason that parents choose otherwise (have to).

Sigi Hagl
Signed Signed Signed: Christine Ackermann
Signed Lothar Pongratz Reichwein
signed Bernd O. Friedrich

Monday, September 28, 2009

Rubbermaid Or Closetmaid

URGENT REQUEST TO TOP 3 to the public plenary on 25/09/2009; art project on the grounds of the HLG

decide City Council should:

The TOP No. 3: "Art project on the grounds of the HLG" is treated in the public part of the plenary


There are none of the Rules of Procedure contradictory aspects identified which make it mandatory to treat the top 3 in closed session. TOP
to discuss this publicly improves the transparency of the decision and achieve a greater understanding of the citizen. Prof. Dr. Christoph Zeitler


signed Bernd Friedrich (BFL)

signed Dr. Maria Fick (FDP)

Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert (BFL)
Signed Margaret bowl (BFL)

Golden Retriever Red Spots Snout

URGENT REQUEST public from Item 9 to the plenary on 25.09. 2009; cover deficit in Landshut nurseries

The City Council may decide:

The TOP No. 9 "cover deficit in Landshut day care "in
public part of the plenary treated

There are none of the Rules of Procedure contradictory aspects identified which make it
imperative the top handle 9 in closed session to discuss
this TOP publicly improved. the transparency of decision
and therefore the understanding of the citizens.

Bernd Friedrich (BFL)
signed Prof. Dr. Christoph Zeitler (FDP)
signed by Dr. Mary E. Fick (FDP)
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert (BFL)
Signed Margaret cup (BFL)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How Did Catera Light Die

Ritter worlds exhibition, exhibition catalog


The City Council may decide:

The administration gave the council information on:
first When the contract for the printing of the exhibition catalog was issued?
second To which company the order was issued?
third When did the pressure?
4th What was paid when and what means for printing?
printing costs, including costs for:
- royalty
- Photographer fee
- Image Processing, repro
- Graphics / rate / bond
5th Was an advance payment been made?
6th How many copies were printed?
7th What amount could be achieved by the sale?
8th Visitors to the exhibition, which questioned so far during the exhibition period after the exhibition catalog, were the exhibition staff noted that the pressure was delayed due to non allocation of funds by the City Council. Who issued that statement to the staff?

The duration of the exhibition "World of Knights" extending from the 26th up to the 39th Calendar week. (Total time 13 weeks) The first edition of the catalog was in the 38th Calendar week.

signed Bernd O. Friedrich (BFL)
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert (BFL)
Signed Margaret cup (BFL)
signed Prof. Dr. Christoph Zeitler (FDP)
Signed Ingeborg Pongratz (CSU) signed
Ludwig Zellner (CSU) signed
Kirsten Sauter (ÖDP)

Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Make Equalizer Shirt


love visiting students and host families love volunteers!

We would like to invite you to our first Stammtisch here in Vorarlberg! Here you have the opportunity to host students and host families and know the volunteers of AFS Vorarlberg and spend a nice evening together!

What will we do?
We all meet at the restaurant in Upper Dreiländerblick Bildstein, where you have a beautiful view of Lake Constance and the Rhine Valley. Then it's off into the guest house! There we expect hearty cheese spaetzle, a typical Vorarlberg specialty!

When? Friday 25 September 2009, 18:00 clock
Where? Gasthof Dreiländerblick, Upper Bildstein (Bildstein, No. 13)
register? Please register by Wednesday, 23 September, with Daniela (daniela.plankel @ and give notice whether, and how many people are taking part in the first Stammtisch! Daniela says please also if you do not like Kässpätzle or if you need a ride!

We are all looking forward to meeting you too! Best wishes Daniela

for AFS Vorarlberg

Friday, September 18, 2009

Images Of Women In Panties

Congratulations on your wedding!

love Claudia,

we congratulate you most sincerely on your wedding with Christian! May you experience both her a wonderful, memorable day!
for your future, we wish you both the best! And we hope that you let us also in your new home - so far away from us! - And we will not forget you occasionally get to see!

your friends from the AFS Vorarlberg

How Can I Make Veet For Cake


We are very pleased that now our guest students have arrived safely in Vorarlberg! Andres Felipe, Carolan and Hanna - a warm welcome to the little country!

How To Wear Baby Doll Dress And Jacket

Happy Birthday!

love Barbara, we want the AFS Vorarlberg you all a Happy Birthday! Nice that we see you in spite of the local distance so often with us and you supported us so energetically! We wish you a happy new years, much success in your studies - and sometimes a bit of time to relax ... 

Harold And Kumar Bottomless Party Hd

family preparation

Last Friday, 04 September, instead of our host family prepare for this year's host families. Christa invited three of our host families to host a house rose to Dornbirn. This meeting - in which in addition to the host families and the majority of our supervisors were present - was very nice and we are pleased to be able to accommodate the families in our "AFS group"!

Killtec Jackets Washing Instructions

start-up meeting AFS Vorarlberg

The weekend of the 28th and 29 August took place the "start-up meeting" of the LK Vorarlberg. To this end, we went to a remote, but beautiful traditional hut on Ludescherberg. Also at the meeting's aim was to plan the coming year, skills divide ... and of course, simply about each other and learn a bit of fun to have! In addition to the "tried and true" volunteers (Doris, Christa, Manfred, Dieter, Esther - our chairman Daniel this year was because of an accident unfortunately) we are particularly pleased that the same number of very motivated Returnees were there.
had total we have two beautiful, productive, interesting, funny and, as you can see in the photo, very sunny days:

Thank you being there for all to's and special thanks to Dieter for the wonderful food - he has us all weekend cooks! - Called to family and welfare, has provided us with their cabin available!