Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pressure Point In Baby To Make Fall Asleep

Our Councilwoman Margaret bowl

75th Birthday

Love, Health and still a long life!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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situation Park District Office / Achdorf Hospital - Press release of the Group Citizens for Landshut e. V.

Citizens for Landshut support an initiative of the resident population in the environment of the district administration office and Achdorf hospital, which leads to a solution of parking problems. With the ever increasing development and expansion of the hospital / health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
The construction of an additional parking space for employees out, due to the low capacity probably not solve the traffic problems. It is also necessary to consider whether the planning of the employee parking lot to the land use plan, the only land for housing expels equivalent.
For a short-term solution suggested that the City identifies the affected local residents in need so-called residents parking.
medium term solution is to look for is that the centrally located surface parking is to rebuild in a multi-story parking deck.
The daily traffic jams, especially during rush hour, at the traffic lights to the junction in the Witt Gratz mountain road, can by placing a "green arrow" to avoid turning right. During the red phase at Gratz mountain substantial traffic gaps on the road towards the tunnel and Witt Kupfereck, a right turn into the road Witt Reduction of traffic jams make. So far during the green phase, the turning into the Witt Road is only while the pedestrian green phase is possible on Witt Road. The results, which can turn a maximum of three vehicles. In addition, the bus route will be delayed. The establishment of a "green arrow" promotes the acceleration process of public transport. The conditions of the Road for the creation of a "green arrow" are met. Further investigations and delays for the installation of a "green arrow" are superfluous from the perspective of BFL.

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urgent request for acc. Construction and Transportation Senate on 29/04/2010

Since the measure has delayed the establishment of a "green arrow" at the traffic lights Gratz Berg / Witt road again, we now ask that body to decide immediately.


The Highway Code, according to given criteria are met. The visibility of the traffic lights turn left towards Kupfereck is given.

The waiting times of buses that have to enter the peak in the Witt Gratz Street be shortened or eliminated. Thus the public transport acceleration method is taken into account.

The waiting times of the other car traffic will be shortened as well. A daily vehicle traffic, especially during morning and evening rush is avoided at this point.

Bernd O. Friedrich
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Margit bowl

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urgent request; parking situation in the area of the District Office / County Achdorf hospital / medical center

The City Council may instruct the administration to contact regarding the traffic situation around the district office, district hospital Achdorf and doctors with the district in negotiations, the goal-directed to a solution of unacceptable traffic conditions leads.

Due to growing development and expansion of the district hospital, health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
also a construction of a parking lot does not lead to a Solution. The residents fear that the proposed staff car park a further unfair burden by emissions, noise, parking lot lighting, winter maintenance and ultimately leading to an impairment of the land.
occasion by Funeral / memorial services at the adjacent cemetery Achdorf, lack of parking space, parked cars, the streets of the adjacent residential areas.

Negotiations with the county should ultimately include as a goal towards a transformation of the centrally located surface parking spaces in a multi-story parking deck.
short-term solution is to examine whether the concerned neighbors reported so-called private residents parking be.
It must also consider whether the plan meets the employee parking lot to the land use plan that identifies areas exclusively for housing.

Bernd O. Friedrich
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert
Signed Margaret bowl