Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eurosport Elliptical Infiniti St950/price

Stammtisch bon fires

Our table took root in February, this time held on a Saturday - and we wanted to get closer to our students a very special guest Vorarlberg tradition, namely the spark burning. On Saturday, 20 February, we met at the station in Dornbirn, then walk together to the spark. Despite the bad weather forecast we had a lot of luck and a lot of not a single drop - and this was also the right to participate in number, overall we were about a dozen welcoming students, parents and volunteers. Until we had found all to the scene, it was a little hectic - but the mood has not hurt.  The photos can get you an impression of the small, family sparks ... Finally - and as it were, as a tonic for the way back - there was still a drink and "Funkenküachle" for all ... and a little later we were all back safely back on Dornbirn train station. Thanks to Günter for organizing this very "Vorarlberg" Stammtisch!


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