profit made
Report "Ellermühle costs 54,000 euros" LZ of 9 April:
Unfortunately, listening to the propaganda against the airport Landshut / Ellermühle not. To rectify the following account of the numbers of the article:
revenue of the city: Gerwerbesteuer 180 000 € + ground rent 50 500 = 230 500 euros, revenues of public utilities: fuel sales 142 200 € + allowance air traffic control 152 400 € = 294 600 Euro, total revenue : 525 100 euros.
expense of the city: 541 700 euros, excluding the special report of 152 700 euros, as this is not going Betreibskosten = total expenditure of 389 000 euros, profit: 136 100 euros.
thus achieved the airport despite the economic crisis, a gain of 136 100 euros. Taking into account that the gas station at least two months and was not usable by missing significant loss of revenue from fuel sales and from landing fees, that record is very good.
The result will be worse but 2010, with reduced since the last flight of PTL revenue from fuel sales and landing fees. And whose fault is it?
Patricia Esterl
84034 Shut
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