independence, high standards and communication - zombies take over the world
Independence an exciting moment in human existence . There will be on this blog this is definitely a series of texts. It is the Unwünschenswerte a socially idealized world and at the same time, the concept of the most is out of the mouth, one would ask passers-by. And it also produces very very ugly people ..
pseudo-dialogues that allow
is cold, put
The calculations in the foreground, zynisieren
civility as Smalltalk, meet the nice on the head,
humanity not know can not trust
the world as a disappointing consumer offer to design
reify all men, as hasty judgments stupid things
establish this as a quick wit exaggerate,
a posh clique
increase as escape the demands again and again in terms of convenience and luxury,
only rich, want to fuck perfect people confuse
style with money to invest
further into the cycle of cold self,
be by shrinking circle of friends and growing circle of acquaintances more and more forced into a role that is condescending and independently experienced this world, harder than fate sees
always difficult to imagine alternatives, as the yardstick, the pride has long since become a limbo pole of money and status, you may only drunk and less out of your mind .. or if no one looks to be
while any gossip of any fact behind, the other denies pride or a career without entitlement to friends and friends revealed
uncertainty deny at all costs, while an expert on weaknesses of others. Is this the price of independence? Have not they human zombie mix of rotten and offensive communication needs a future? Are we all American Bitches? filled
Surrounded by objectivity, rationality, a world of sighted ruling without mercy with care of social decline, armed with all the superficial weapons of this world to hold positions, the 'I' to defend a position in his cave with a hollow sense of dying, tied to the consumer world with attractions, where one locates oneself available to its choice of partner or career ... there is this world in diseased minds and infect the people we know.
I personally surprise to people who like to consider them as I am human, philosophical, worldly, visionary and knowledgeable. The young would-be aristocrats who rely on their descent from the money, respond to challenges mostly with clothing and other critics Distinktionssicherheiten and disappear quickly contemptible in their environment. Because you remember most, that surprise their wit someone has to hurt, to be truly and leave the field. You can not win.
affluent males in these groups of course I'm interested in hetero- only in passing. Women have generally maintained their appearance, their visual proximity to men with dreams of wealth are the same and poor, and not free: on the contrary! Women from such monetary communities are to achieve even more difficult to stabilize themselves in their disease. They have the path of inspiration - so do not state a consumer - long since left and are looking for people to review visual features and codes. People who do not fit into the scheme there will be replaced with professional cold or injured. I call it "visual deterioration" or "Look people: your zombie existence is socially accepted and established in our media images as normal. No one is helping these poor things.
There is no functioning three-circle more. The 'claim' to dominate and kill - in the sense of personal circles in which you are stuck and the money and consumer demands - the 'independence', the 'claim' to kill in his jaded, negative form, the 'communication' with the world.
This special three-way relationship from claim, independence and communication says a lot about the way out of people. The ugly faces of a chichi scene - which in my opinion, strengthened in recent years and growing - has no idea of this structure somehow. Especially the way pretty women in this world I've described above, un-independent and predictable, Despite the fact that they try the opposite: But you are looking for the needle and can get rid of this urge is very rare.
These people need shocks to wake up, they need the improbability that someone does not need the environment to be somebody that wisdom has nothing to do with ancestry that visual fascism is not an aid to concentration, but outsources only the disturbing, the the diversity of this world only regardless of the Aryan-elitist claim makes spiral in which they are caught miserably. What claims cultivated her? How often do you leave on your eyes?
time: varies even on my watch
Status: helping.
Occasion: wondered about pride in the chichi Puff of life
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