Gated communities on two legs
Will now continue my drunken Reflections on 'independence'. The city and the Christmas shopping gave me quite connecting factors and events, the arrogance jumps as overrated a contrary attitude of independence in many places.
If, like me, living in a city with a lot of money and many fashion suppliers with walk-in customers, we will not pass to humans who believe anything to need. Male machismo here is just as disgusting as female blasé - in order to clarify the times. When you walk through the streets, parading one sees it, imagine catwalks, billboards . Imitate Shoppers people who believe in their frugality, and again at the same time professionally designed luxury objects: a paradox.
that young people need to protect themselves in need of a facade, to meet humiliation and innuendo, or at best be able to escape, is clear. Some - excuse: many! - This pubertal stage but never overcome. Especially the evident belief of many passers-by, none of their fellow human beings could offer them something useful, each question on their answers would be made as early as the dedicated acquaintances which we are accustomed, their environment qua swarm intelligence already the perfect selection for everything relevant in life. The Inviolability is here transfigured to intelligence! For women, their appearance
pledge for integrity and independence is apparent, for both men with careers and their Normalo Dad-mobile now, too. The city, the shopping street of the train suspension system, the people ignore the determination of the gated communities on two legs. For many of the acts commonly known as "independent": A person who does not need other people more. Thinking in the boardrooms of the monetary hierarchies in his narcissistic tendencies of a tragedy for the formation of character. Men buy, women such as luxury items, women buy men for their entertainment and thereby escape the Aryan discourse not. A self-created, on an aesthetic distinction, must believe in superiority, which ultimately must be beautiful women's bodies and money dynasties end up in a descent explanation.
I am richer, more powerful, not because I have learned thought, but simply because I'm the better of her material. The independence - as seen in these circles like: as financially - here is a genetic determinism. These people interact with their environment, since they must believe in the logic of their superiority. One expects nothing from the mob.
The fact that these elites by intelligence incest daft and World Wars , Brought cheer we got in the last century have proved. This condescending arrogance on the road, these adolescent weaknesses "seasoned" women and men scare me. If they are ultimately, as in other countries resort to tougher measures to suppress the public knowledge that they are demented snobs with no value for this company? How much effort will pursue them to contradictory and knowledge in order to suppress non-genetic, general intelligence? Walter Scheuerl has with its public relations exercise at 6 years of shared learning and his many supporters from the Hamburg bourgeoisie already given a first answer is that you give Everything! And a lot of money! Anyone who is not pretty enough for intermarriage or ancestry enough to the elite membership has to stay dumb and stupid, so that the world is on.
Very immature. Even ridiculous, you sailor! Without your everyday would blase arrogance and your dying, for you are by your intellectual inbreeding has become a bit too slow in the head. I take it personally in any case, drunk with your anti-philosophy. Sober I would leave corpses and women who leave your sons, without making a profit. So, building walls! ;)
to independence is somehow also the ability to survive without medium. In addition, you have to look down on people not to be something. For many assets, however, just that their only Selbstlegitimierung. Sad.
time: Something before Christmas
Status: steady flow of beer for several hours
Occasion: Plumpe inviolability asserts itself as a style for adults.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Head Lice Medicine For Pregnant Women
click Optimized Arts
Had to just take the keyboard from the hand to gain some distance and old school writing on paper. As a screen manager is different in our time of optimized work flow not from the leisure flows: one manages the screen with work routines.
Share it can drive really amazing how many fast information of the person with the right tools for themselves. As long as you use things as tools and not use the tools you is all right. That the time when I should I recover from work, dominated by movements and settings is that I was able to enjoy the whole day at work already: kinda funny.
Will this do not amount to the old distinction between private and public space. to me it's more about the volume of data platform, social news streams and accounts that force you to simply "work" at play.
My working day has felt extended by two hours - If one were to "click work" as a benchmark. It forces you to optimize. The schizophrenia of multiple email addresses, fake profiles and accounts with no real names will be eliminated, because everything you suggest to improve things from you to disclose each service wants to know your true self. The consolidation of your ego as time-saving is an interesting, shallow pressure in the direction of the citizens seriously.
Bin at all surprised at how many people in browser games, tip boards, and also specify public on downloads clear name and main email address (and then later complain about spam and other). Anonymity is always a quality of the city was. Once we give up living we in the social village. Long live the alter ego, long live the pseudonym it the nickname lives on the net! Although the mean a bit of work ..
time: deep nights
Status: the last beer left standing
Occasion: Social execution.
Had to just take the keyboard from the hand to gain some distance and old school writing on paper. As a screen manager is different in our time of optimized work flow not from the leisure flows: one manages the screen with work routines.
Share it can drive really amazing how many fast information of the person with the right tools for themselves. As long as you use things as tools and not use the tools you is all right. That the time when I should I recover from work, dominated by movements and settings is that I was able to enjoy the whole day at work already: kinda funny.
Will this do not amount to the old distinction between private and public space. to me it's more about the volume of data platform, social news streams and accounts that force you to simply "work" at play.
My working day has felt extended by two hours - If one were to "click work" as a benchmark. It forces you to optimize. The schizophrenia of multiple email addresses, fake profiles and accounts with no real names will be eliminated, because everything you suggest to improve things from you to disclose each service wants to know your true self. The consolidation of your ego as time-saving is an interesting, shallow pressure in the direction of the citizens seriously.
Bin at all surprised at how many people in browser games, tip boards, and also specify public on downloads clear name and main email address (and then later complain about spam and other). Anonymity is always a quality of the city was. Once we give up living we in the social village. Long live the alter ego, long live the pseudonym it the nickname lives on the net! Although the mean a bit of work ..
time: deep nights
Status: the last beer left standing
Occasion: Social execution.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Calgary Heating And Electric Costs Estimator
The nature of media-Bitches
Everyone knows the moment in life where you realize that the pig through the neighboring village and is not driven by own. In most cases, this neighboring village, a youth camp with banner ads and the media a very young, impressionable audience. For example, the German music channel have already produced quite a few pigs.
Think of Gülcan, Eni van de artist name, the new pretty boy with no name of Viva or this is self-signed duo Claassen and beanpole: pedophile pop stars, where the artificial applause is bewildered adolescent somehow gone to his head. It's real always interesting that these people take some time really seriously. What humor
know these people? You know the smile that you are aware of the hatred, they are aware of the charts as a means of their first-hype. But the excitement and entertainment they produce normal people who have displaced Christian Ulmen, Nora Tschirner, Schlingensief, Raab and Charlotte R.? Your Freakness alone is the Handedness, the self-praise, the tribute of their own self purpose in the casual role of a facilitator. You are seeking what many teenagers: The simulated Bewusstsin of self-importance - these are based now on a job in the media, on a play feature of the personality or the loss of the special non-commitment unit complements long enough about the opening of the mouth to cover up by invading program events .
Most of these pigs are signs of embarrassment, that works as a screen for young people. The Wohlfühlkonzpt the youth channel is a nest of "I-white-and-not-why-I-just-look at all the" posturing that will accompany them with cameras and revive with studio audience clapping. The
But try as they Kameranuckler Claassen-man and his bird in Gosejohann-style (after all, who has practiced the rocking early in his life) to make Street Comedy has to do with the normal self-esteem anymore. These people, who are used, that their appearance is pure from their usual U14 audience already perceived as a kind of cool and funny, have no street sense of humor. That are both as a duo, here is already significant: If they did not acknowledge each other, they would probably see already on the set that no one laughs at them.
Gosejohann tries to provoke and taboos the public address and does it without hesitation fun of himself. Even Elton, who actually is not funny, makes fun at himself. The new pigs are the Jugenfernsehens but since its existence - as above - busy somehow, to come selbstbelustigt and no longer able to risk themselves or others. If they were to meet me in town: I was wasting time so, any identity, authenticity can be seen in her eyes and would give them compassionate with the way that it can create all: even you! But the biographies of these people know no failure. Probably they are even proud of himself themselves and believe they have something real.
time: during the ProSieben show
Status: incredibly bored by the sows in the neighboring village and drunk.
Occasion: Claassen, and the other would be what with the microphone and the Möchtergern alternative style
Everyone knows the moment in life where you realize that the pig through the neighboring village and is not driven by own. In most cases, this neighboring village, a youth camp with banner ads and the media a very young, impressionable audience. For example, the German music channel have already produced quite a few pigs.
Think of Gülcan, Eni van de artist name, the new pretty boy with no name of Viva or this is self-signed duo Claassen and beanpole: pedophile pop stars, where the artificial applause is bewildered adolescent somehow gone to his head. It's real always interesting that these people take some time really seriously. What humor
know these people? You know the smile that you are aware of the hatred, they are aware of the charts as a means of their first-hype. But the excitement and entertainment they produce normal people who have displaced Christian Ulmen, Nora Tschirner, Schlingensief, Raab and Charlotte R.? Your Freakness alone is the Handedness, the self-praise, the tribute of their own self purpose in the casual role of a facilitator. You are seeking what many teenagers: The simulated Bewusstsin of self-importance - these are based now on a job in the media, on a play feature of the personality or the loss of the special non-commitment unit complements long enough about the opening of the mouth to cover up by invading program events .
Most of these pigs are signs of embarrassment, that works as a screen for young people. The Wohlfühlkonzpt the youth channel is a nest of "I-white-and-not-why-I-just-look at all the" posturing that will accompany them with cameras and revive with studio audience clapping. The
But try as they Kameranuckler Claassen-man and his bird in Gosejohann-style (after all, who has practiced the rocking early in his life) to make Street Comedy has to do with the normal self-esteem anymore. These people, who are used, that their appearance is pure from their usual U14 audience already perceived as a kind of cool and funny, have no street sense of humor. That are both as a duo, here is already significant: If they did not acknowledge each other, they would probably see already on the set that no one laughs at them.
Gosejohann tries to provoke and taboos the public address and does it without hesitation fun of himself. Even Elton, who actually is not funny, makes fun at himself. The new pigs are the Jugenfernsehens but since its existence - as above - busy somehow, to come selbstbelustigt and no longer able to risk themselves or others. If they were to meet me in town: I was wasting time so, any identity, authenticity can be seen in her eyes and would give them compassionate with the way that it can create all: even you! But the biographies of these people know no failure. Probably they are even proud of himself themselves and believe they have something real.
time: during the ProSieben show
Status: incredibly bored by the sows in the neighboring village and drunk.
Occasion: Claassen, and the other would be what with the microphone and the Möchtergern alternative style
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Peter Reinhart Bread Baker Apprentice
Individual ideology
when the idea to think beyond themselves, would not it logical? What if the policy itself is an ideology and its dissemination needs said pointedly brainwashed? Some rumors even of a post-ideological era, because the known Orientation patterns are there. Does this trend then the social as an ideology, an ideology of solidarity and the political in excess of the selfishness?
Of course, here the term 'ideology' - probably as misunderstood reimport this old German concept of education - first of its negative connotation free: An ideology is not an aberration, not irrationality, not a blind following a sectarian cult with crude assumptions. The ideology is a perfect idea of this world and the derived logic for thinking and acting. In his previous role was the Enlightenment ideology of a progressive thinking, no base for deadlock blame or somewhat conservative. That the term now in common usage for something rigid, absolute, backward-looking as we owe to the defamation of the 60s: a derogatory term for all battle fronts.
The ideology is therefore to be something political, since it is based on the conviction of an idea that goes beyond the self also, because it contains the whole world as normative. But conversely, the political always an ideology? Here, opinions differ .. Is the harsh reality of this world is not a structure that is already inherent in the logic of a policy that one would ask. Are our political actions allegedly anything at all outside of the existing discourse of the possibilities of our actions in advance but defined and limited? Others would perhaps put the 'pragmatics' as an example, that political action can also be non-ideological.
I do not think that the political is logical: those who can afford it, will abstain from progressive ideology - Marx knew the way, always been that people first go together really dirty needs in order to change this world somehow fundamentally . Does the policy so indoctrinated in the luxury children's brains and snob imitators? And who would do this? I do not think that something like this can be institutionalized. There has probably contribute to each his part. Even our young people looking for meaning and ideas for this world. Let's show them that no one thought them decreases, and each must develop its own ideology.
time: pre-ideological
Status: drunken sense of mission
Occasion: rescue the concept of ideology.
when the idea to think beyond themselves, would not it logical? What if the policy itself is an ideology and its dissemination needs said pointedly brainwashed? Some rumors even of a post-ideological era, because the known Orientation patterns are there. Does this trend then the social as an ideology, an ideology of solidarity and the political in excess of the selfishness?
Of course, here the term 'ideology' - probably as misunderstood reimport this old German concept of education - first of its negative connotation free: An ideology is not an aberration, not irrationality, not a blind following a sectarian cult with crude assumptions. The ideology is a perfect idea of this world and the derived logic for thinking and acting. In his previous role was the Enlightenment ideology of a progressive thinking, no base for deadlock blame or somewhat conservative. That the term now in common usage for something rigid, absolute, backward-looking as we owe to the defamation of the 60s: a derogatory term for all battle fronts.
The ideology is therefore to be something political, since it is based on the conviction of an idea that goes beyond the self also, because it contains the whole world as normative. But conversely, the political always an ideology? Here, opinions differ .. Is the harsh reality of this world is not a structure that is already inherent in the logic of a policy that one would ask. Are our political actions allegedly anything at all outside of the existing discourse of the possibilities of our actions in advance but defined and limited? Others would perhaps put the 'pragmatics' as an example, that political action can also be non-ideological.
I do not think that the political is logical: those who can afford it, will abstain from progressive ideology - Marx knew the way, always been that people first go together really dirty needs in order to change this world somehow fundamentally . Does the policy so indoctrinated in the luxury children's brains and snob imitators? And who would do this? I do not think that something like this can be institutionalized. There has probably contribute to each his part. Even our young people looking for meaning and ideas for this world. Let's show them that no one thought them decreases, and each must develop its own ideology.
time: pre-ideological
Status: drunken sense of mission
Occasion: rescue the concept of ideology.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Attracted To Big Nose
the Pope a philosopher?
to sell snacks intellectuals, is really a tough business - unless you are a pope, and finally accepted the existence of elastic stockings in this world. Is our little Petrusini Eniz actually the philosopher on earth - as Catholics believe? What is the difference between leader and pastor?
There is no: fanatic, a media forum which is necessary in order to spread their faith in an absolute truth and falsehood .. where there's the difference? Both are anti-modern. Both maintain an ideology at the expense of others, based on exclusion and conjures an ordered world, if you just follow the leaders. The legitimacy of the pastors and leaders is pseudo-democratic, and ultimately a monarchist top-down approach of the rule and its principal subsequent objectives is always power.
course you need power to shape the world. The leader also needs to be impaired and is therefore anti-intellectual and anti-enlightenment. His image of man is effectively a hierarchy in terms of ideology. Anyone who does not follow anyone who does not look up is stupid and retarded. How can it be that something historically outdated such as nationalism, race, ideology, religion, fascism and mindless ideology bondage can be represented as modern, as trend is established in naive minds? Who has made man spoils the free thinking? Where does the desire for the Middle Ages?
No idea comes from nothing. We are intellectuals in Europe had only further because we stand for in scholasticism, the Greeks and Romans with their thinking, her curiosity, her writings have taken serious again. The text-exegesis more then one day your own Experiment, the experiential knowledge (I am deliberately not empirical, as the term is totgezählt) to be in technocratic fantasies of a controllable world lead, on which they built our present-day democracies yet. Enlightenment and later romance and human rights established then the people as a benchmark for the world and especially the Enlightenment did a nice concept of 'ideology' as something progressive, following as an idea of logic, which was directed towards the future and overcoming dark Not thinking of the people.
What say this historical demolition: Better thinking means work. The leader and shepherd principle is an ideology in which the thought does not Means more work.
I think though, that the pope wants the bottom of his human heart something good for this world. But he believes further that the power of the church is the key for this, and replace its ideological hubris that all philosophy and each independent thinking should, must and will. Who is talking to such a person? Who lays claim to something like "dialogue" to name? Anyone who follows an asshole? The lazy thinking people in this world ..
. PS: The fact that his interview with Peter Seewald asshole / Pope also called "Light of the World" is, of course, is a nerve: The light in this world is, of course wieterhin the Enlightenment (English: enlightenment, French: Lumière)
time: to the world order
Status: bars smoke and bar beer in the skull
Occasion: The pope considers himself an intellectual, and we hear too
to sell snacks intellectuals, is really a tough business - unless you are a pope, and finally accepted the existence of elastic stockings in this world. Is our little Petrusini Eniz actually the philosopher on earth - as Catholics believe? What is the difference between leader and pastor?
There is no: fanatic, a media forum which is necessary in order to spread their faith in an absolute truth and falsehood .. where there's the difference? Both are anti-modern. Both maintain an ideology at the expense of others, based on exclusion and conjures an ordered world, if you just follow the leaders. The legitimacy of the pastors and leaders is pseudo-democratic, and ultimately a monarchist top-down approach of the rule and its principal subsequent objectives is always power.
course you need power to shape the world. The leader also needs to be impaired and is therefore anti-intellectual and anti-enlightenment. His image of man is effectively a hierarchy in terms of ideology. Anyone who does not follow anyone who does not look up is stupid and retarded. How can it be that something historically outdated such as nationalism, race, ideology, religion, fascism and mindless ideology bondage can be represented as modern, as trend is established in naive minds? Who has made man spoils the free thinking? Where does the desire for the Middle Ages?
No idea comes from nothing. We are intellectuals in Europe had only further because we stand for in scholasticism, the Greeks and Romans with their thinking, her curiosity, her writings have taken serious again. The text-exegesis more then one day your own Experiment, the experiential knowledge (I am deliberately not empirical, as the term is totgezählt) to be in technocratic fantasies of a controllable world lead, on which they built our present-day democracies yet. Enlightenment and later romance and human rights established then the people as a benchmark for the world and especially the Enlightenment did a nice concept of 'ideology' as something progressive, following as an idea of logic, which was directed towards the future and overcoming dark Not thinking of the people.
What say this historical demolition: Better thinking means work. The leader and shepherd principle is an ideology in which the thought does not Means more work.
I think though, that the pope wants the bottom of his human heart something good for this world. But he believes further that the power of the church is the key for this, and replace its ideological hubris that all philosophy and each independent thinking should, must and will. Who is talking to such a person? Who lays claim to something like "dialogue" to name? Anyone who follows an asshole? The lazy thinking people in this world ..
. PS: The fact that his interview with Peter Seewald asshole / Pope also called "Light of the World" is, of course, is a nerve: The light in this world is, of course wieterhin the Enlightenment (English: enlightenment, French: Lumière)
time: to the world order
Status: bars smoke and bar beer in the skull
Occasion: The pope considers himself an intellectual, and we hear too
Monday, November 15, 2010
Authorize Propellerheads Record Hack
Feed me, feed back, feed
I think our network society has a problem: the long line. I just got a couple of times already expressed about the proliferation principle and annoyed that people are not particularly wise to that. They still believe as an endpoint of communication. Are only a mob and mark animals avant-garde?
consumption and sending in equivalent of the network society. This can take quite a lot yet, but the fact that we humans will not be a Kopfendbahnhof but a relay, which has for failure by management, any social significance, does not fit the serious or serious. Also I have in me a deep reluctance to see the hype and the opportunistic human flesh before me, which generate their meaning only through the hype and nothing else, know as the trend by taking part gained sex for hire.
This Resist course has to do with avant-garde, unfortunately, nothing. The benefits of the new media by our elites (the intelligentsia would be an exaggeration ..) is usually characterized by the attempt itself as a node to be transmitted as Emphasising. The Critical has his earnestness his mobility is lost and creates nasty Un experiments of people who see themselves as part of a civic or academic public, and the marketers (One only watch the perceived majority of the professionally motivated Twitter users) are somehow this serious group even if they have anything critical numbers except itself.
The curiosity of sending, at Botschaft-/Werbungs-Verbreitungs-Kanälen dominated the thinking and the use of the new social network media. Consuming and recording, to be inspired actually unprofessional and private, to indulge in the drugs of the networks is Exception, and if only it comes, it will remain private, is not it just passed, the Elitar or Elitärin is too vain, his Un-speed ready-to admit his Inspiriernötigkeit - and denies that the principle of the network society: passing through individuals. One has to wonder
not that new media is not a new civilization: It promotes no one, it spreads no one. To bring it to a relevant end avantgarde thesis: The experiment is already treated before its popularity as a dirty, provocative trend and viewed with distrustful or hostile. But this brake, this non-communication is equal irrelevance.
It reminds me somehow to small, committed groups in the culture medium cities who want theater CSFE although regularly in their city, but only to recommend them to neighbors, to maintain the critical distance and to occur. The avant-garde would probably take possession of the stage, until they again yields something of value.
love So attending from the experiment: Feed Back, Feed forth or make it yourself! You no longer complains about this world or ear are still what you like to criticize: Prole uninspired with canon and without good performance. So, ask yourself: Have you changed the known world today or did you at least help to get an inspiration and Spread?
time: after 12
Status: still exhausted from Friday.
Occasion: is Disseminating scissor thing on his mind.
I think our network society has a problem: the long line. I just got a couple of times already expressed about the proliferation principle and annoyed that people are not particularly wise to that. They still believe as an endpoint of communication. Are only a mob and mark animals avant-garde?
consumption and sending in equivalent of the network society. This can take quite a lot yet, but the fact that we humans will not be a Kopfendbahnhof but a relay, which has for failure by management, any social significance, does not fit the serious or serious. Also I have in me a deep reluctance to see the hype and the opportunistic human flesh before me, which generate their meaning only through the hype and nothing else, know as the trend by taking part gained sex for hire.
This Resist course has to do with avant-garde, unfortunately, nothing. The benefits of the new media by our elites (the intelligentsia would be an exaggeration ..) is usually characterized by the attempt itself as a node to be transmitted as Emphasising. The Critical has his earnestness his mobility is lost and creates nasty Un experiments of people who see themselves as part of a civic or academic public, and the marketers (One only watch the perceived majority of the professionally motivated Twitter users) are somehow this serious group even if they have anything critical numbers except itself.
The curiosity of sending, at Botschaft-/Werbungs-Verbreitungs-Kanälen dominated the thinking and the use of the new social network media. Consuming and recording, to be inspired actually unprofessional and private, to indulge in the drugs of the networks is Exception, and if only it comes, it will remain private, is not it just passed, the Elitar or Elitärin is too vain, his Un-speed ready-to admit his Inspiriernötigkeit - and denies that the principle of the network society: passing through individuals. One has to wonder
not that new media is not a new civilization: It promotes no one, it spreads no one. To bring it to a relevant end avantgarde thesis: The experiment is already treated before its popularity as a dirty, provocative trend and viewed with distrustful or hostile. But this brake, this non-communication is equal irrelevance.
It reminds me somehow to small, committed groups in the culture medium cities who want theater CSFE although regularly in their city, but only to recommend them to neighbors, to maintain the critical distance and to occur. The avant-garde would probably take possession of the stage, until they again yields something of value.
love So attending from the experiment: Feed Back, Feed forth or make it yourself! You no longer complains about this world or ear are still what you like to criticize: Prole uninspired with canon and without good performance. So, ask yourself: Have you changed the known world today or did you at least help to get an inspiration and Spread?
time: after 12
Status: still exhausted from Friday.
Occasion: is Disseminating scissor thing on his mind.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Rsvp Card Wording Alergies
forth the virtue of their weakness and emancipatory potential
The weakness of pisses me off slowly. Not the fact that people have weaknesses, but the lobbyists for the weakness, trying to explain to us all, it was great to think nothing of indulging easy ways to let yourself fall into the lap of ideologies. They exaggerate the Schwachsein as meaning, as humanity, as maturity. What's that about?
To clarify one thing: humanity has to do with inadequacy, to do with understanding of ways of becoming, with humility before one's own limits and problems of others. No one is without reason that he is - who out here is that we can not recognize that is something different. But if man is a story as we can, as can be assessed even if he sees himself as flotsam?
When you experience fluctuations, or fluctuations devotes extra, as I here, this is a beautiful thing. If one the moment when one does not want to see more as a doer, normalized, are you from the responsibility. Who has an interest? I as a private person anyway. There is an alternative movement against gravity. The loss of control is the biggest test of their composure, resilience, independence of the Court's exterior.
But not to me in the bosom of the church, the various ideologies of neoliberalism, or to put those who want them must think for ourselves. Who's weakness as normally defined, is superficially tolerant compared to naive, I suspect. He wants the people do not take seriously collect revenue, but. He is the patron in the confessional, draws from the humiliation of his absolute authority. Disgusting!
The weakness is restricted or universal, but something original. Something that at least directed against something is or wants to go somewhere. Is not the case, will be the Pied Piper.
time: morning, but the last evening is still unfinished
Status: Drunk
commemoration: will be vulnerability to political correctness promoted
The weakness of pisses me off slowly. Not the fact that people have weaknesses, but the lobbyists for the weakness, trying to explain to us all, it was great to think nothing of indulging easy ways to let yourself fall into the lap of ideologies. They exaggerate the Schwachsein as meaning, as humanity, as maturity. What's that about?
To clarify one thing: humanity has to do with inadequacy, to do with understanding of ways of becoming, with humility before one's own limits and problems of others. No one is without reason that he is - who out here is that we can not recognize that is something different. But if man is a story as we can, as can be assessed even if he sees himself as flotsam?
When you experience fluctuations, or fluctuations devotes extra, as I here, this is a beautiful thing. If one the moment when one does not want to see more as a doer, normalized, are you from the responsibility. Who has an interest? I as a private person anyway. There is an alternative movement against gravity. The loss of control is the biggest test of their composure, resilience, independence of the Court's exterior.
But not to me in the bosom of the church, the various ideologies of neoliberalism, or to put those who want them must think for ourselves. Who's weakness as normally defined, is superficially tolerant compared to naive, I suspect. He wants the people do not take seriously collect revenue, but. He is the patron in the confessional, draws from the humiliation of his absolute authority. Disgusting!
The weakness is restricted or universal, but something original. Something that at least directed against something is or wants to go somewhere. Is not the case, will be the Pied Piper.
time: morning, but the last evening is still unfinished
Status: Drunk
commemoration: will be vulnerability to political correctness promoted
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pregnant Or Menopause Quiz
it can still give to Black's own emancipation?
That fits so like chalk and cheese: Since I am working on 'independence' and Alice Schwarzer and Minister Krisitna Schroeder, a would-be intellectuals duel deliver on the dominance of the discourse on feminism. The discourse that dealt more with the emancipation and entbrauchte this term, unfortunately, for its purposes.
that is dedicated to drunk man feminism appears first as a bad idea. Funny you have about the ladies so no longer do. The others succumb to schadenfreude. Find the confrontation of the two ladies very exemplary, as artikluieren here two attitudes.
The one willing to somehow cope with this harsh world, to separate the multiple roles women schizophrenic and has also saddled the intellectual task, their determination and their biological sex of their identity as a woman or man. All this by still confident and confident in life are and make a career, chauvinistic men, the front bidder, perhaps even children kriegend. I'm not a fan of Schroeder, but that was it, and many other women can be as a performance. could afford
The other is a man who has done all his life intellectual rigor, and lead a fight (a tough) to selbstgerrechte, high-handed men in positions of power needed. For you is the feminism of the new revolutionary Marxism (the kind of Marxism, the proletariat into interpreted as the subject of the story so and soon longed for), which is the definitive solution to the complexity, and can only end in the extinction of power - or should or must. The final solution for the structural inequality between people with different roles than in a systematic and cynical hatred assumed situation. The uncertainty of the Old and securing a separate action item for a political notion of an oppressed group is the power of Black women (I think she calls herself Mrs.). She has produced a voice and raised with theoretical rigor.
First, it is sometimes stated that the individual reality is definitely pragmatic. It is also clear that feminism and gender studies are somewhat different. Both are seen purely intellectual opponents. The one speaks of the theoretical freedom of man, the other by determining differences based on gender.
Schroeder calls right that there should be more men fighting for the freedom of women, Black goes on to say in their severity, that men are the structural reasons for women's oppression. Both in my opinion have a problem: both are not near the point of emancipation.
honest: who comes here is the philosophical attitude to start with a 'self-imposed immaturity' after? The eternal claim that emancipation had something to do with external reasons - namely, with the men and the patriarchy - to do has given us the idiotic girls and women who believe Emazipation have to do with something that they are respected, just because they are women. The self-liberation through the difficult intellectual task to discover for themselves what one seems easy, what one has been set as the roller into the cradle, which form this company to a close approach and helps: The skip the most, because their self-confidence are told only on the basis of their sex.
The possible outcome of this exemption will each be a personal pragmatics: not completely free of gender. I'm sorry ..
This emancipation can not be solved by the fact that the outside world - say the men - changed. The persistence of this claim is still correct, but to the many future generations with female sex sham. The idea of the world as external debt structure of male black woman has this pedagogical effect. Mrs. Schroeder is pragmatic and calls within the meaning of gender Kodetermination and men who work on the role of people with the opposite sex. And the reality of life requires active heterosexual women miteinzuschließen in thinking.
I'm sorry Mrs. Black: You are no longer working on the problem-solving, as they overwhelmed the pragmatic nature and in conflict with their role as the singular biography. Mrs. Schroeder tried to think after all - though it has so many other roles and jobs, they must meet. Since its dogma and orthodoxy help anyone, black woman. Do they still part of the fun? Good thing they have children who would probably treat them as their relentless Krisitna model child.
PS: The conservative image of the family of the CDU-Schröder, is on the afferent their ideological thinking is, of course, contrary to me. Another reason for emancipation: Children and men are no independent meaning in life, but a dependent.
time: too late to secure terrain
state: questionable .
Occasion: The Black is senile and wants to kill women who themselves . Think
That fits so like chalk and cheese: Since I am working on 'independence' and Alice Schwarzer and Minister Krisitna Schroeder, a would-be intellectuals duel deliver on the dominance of the discourse on feminism. The discourse that dealt more with the emancipation and entbrauchte this term, unfortunately, for its purposes.
that is dedicated to drunk man feminism appears first as a bad idea. Funny you have about the ladies so no longer do. The others succumb to schadenfreude. Find the confrontation of the two ladies very exemplary, as artikluieren here two attitudes.
The one willing to somehow cope with this harsh world, to separate the multiple roles women schizophrenic and has also saddled the intellectual task, their determination and their biological sex of their identity as a woman or man. All this by still confident and confident in life are and make a career, chauvinistic men, the front bidder, perhaps even children kriegend. I'm not a fan of Schroeder, but that was it, and many other women can be as a performance. could afford
The other is a man who has done all his life intellectual rigor, and lead a fight (a tough) to selbstgerrechte, high-handed men in positions of power needed. For you is the feminism of the new revolutionary Marxism (the kind of Marxism, the proletariat into interpreted as the subject of the story so and soon longed for), which is the definitive solution to the complexity, and can only end in the extinction of power - or should or must. The final solution for the structural inequality between people with different roles than in a systematic and cynical hatred assumed situation. The uncertainty of the Old and securing a separate action item for a political notion of an oppressed group is the power of Black women (I think she calls herself Mrs.). She has produced a voice and raised with theoretical rigor.
First, it is sometimes stated that the individual reality is definitely pragmatic. It is also clear that feminism and gender studies are somewhat different. Both are seen purely intellectual opponents. The one speaks of the theoretical freedom of man, the other by determining differences based on gender.
Schroeder calls right that there should be more men fighting for the freedom of women, Black goes on to say in their severity, that men are the structural reasons for women's oppression. Both in my opinion have a problem: both are not near the point of emancipation.
honest: who comes here is the philosophical attitude to start with a 'self-imposed immaturity' after? The eternal claim that emancipation had something to do with external reasons - namely, with the men and the patriarchy - to do has given us the idiotic girls and women who believe Emazipation have to do with something that they are respected, just because they are women. The self-liberation through the difficult intellectual task to discover for themselves what one seems easy, what one has been set as the roller into the cradle, which form this company to a close approach and helps: The skip the most, because their self-confidence are told only on the basis of their sex.
The possible outcome of this exemption will each be a personal pragmatics: not completely free of gender. I'm sorry ..
This emancipation can not be solved by the fact that the outside world - say the men - changed. The persistence of this claim is still correct, but to the many future generations with female sex sham. The idea of the world as external debt structure of male black woman has this pedagogical effect. Mrs. Schroeder is pragmatic and calls within the meaning of gender Kodetermination and men who work on the role of people with the opposite sex. And the reality of life requires active heterosexual women miteinzuschließen in thinking.
I'm sorry Mrs. Black: You are no longer working on the problem-solving, as they overwhelmed the pragmatic nature and in conflict with their role as the singular biography. Mrs. Schroeder tried to think after all - though it has so many other roles and jobs, they must meet. Since its dogma and orthodoxy help anyone, black woman. Do they still part of the fun? Good thing they have children who would probably treat them as their relentless Krisitna model child.
PS: The conservative image of the family of the CDU-Schröder, is on the afferent their ideological thinking is, of course, contrary to me. Another reason for emancipation: Children and men are no independent meaning in life, but a dependent.
time: too late to secure terrain
state: questionable .
Occasion: The Black is senile and wants to kill women who themselves . Think
Sunday, November 7, 2010
How Many Members For Gym
Searches for B-wisdom of my existence in the network
Get just sick and lying in bed with a weak head. I notice how my day really an unproductive deeply unnerved. I need a rhythm of doing, the world order of publication to make me feel good . In my current physical condition I'm not sure if my account of this deep need or sickness, the nausea. 'Leave a message'
for me nothing of a diary: it's about the quick rush that attempt to quickly capture an aspect with pointed words to let me participate and others and remind them to. My Drunken Wisdom (B-Wisdom) drunken and news are here nunmal concept. 'Automatic writing' of the Surrealists and Gonzo journalism, a la Thompson HT my brothers or sisters are in this sense, the diatribe and the speakers philosophers forgotten ancestors of my word-doing. What is this urge me if the lack of such activities regularly frustration promises?
I do not know, honestly. Internet addiction? Not really: I do not hang on the net, but seek communication. Selfishness? For that I am very interested in a solution and take the failure of my drunken (or today, sick) in states like buying. Loss of control? This is an attempt to arrange this world - if and unconventional - to present. Missionary? For that I take myself as a person, not serious enough. Hate? For that I am very humanitarian. The fear of intellectually stunted? Maybe. The experiment? The fact that I can somehow drunk, I've long since proven. For the audience? This I know very little and it has often expressed as a fan and called for a continuation. For the fame? Make sure I spend enough time with the spread of my posts. For money? Look at the buttons on Flattr.
There probably is no external reason or flat-psychological explanation for my actions I am not fixing this blog because I am a failure should surrender, and I get no feedback and feel my weakness, not as a sign that would make a meaningful distribution.
I love the rhetoric and the forms of acting texts, the cast of the speech the ugly shadow of demagogic mass murderer again and predict an un-sober communications over short pieces again. It's a bit sad that many non-readers and readers of this blog but practice this form of discourse is not itself or attaches to the dialogue. To give
a fraction of my thoughts on at least one detectable site and to convince the world of the controversy and the productivity of self-experimentation and subjective texts do I continue .. and I need this mission because this world is so backward in their potential, that the pain caused by the large number of stillbirths head again with the pain of the drunken naive polemic must be confronted in order to rethink the future. Anything else would be flat and satisfies only technocratic intensity but not me.
I bracuhe no 'I do' for my existence, but an 'I knew' about the old life with his limited barriers to overcome theses to the world can. If anyone is looking:: All right, I'm not afraid to operate openly artistic research. I put A drunken B-Weiser-thinking so we can all finally shelved C can say that would be at least a nice side effect of my performance here. Drunk, I have to write even without this effect to this dead world ever harming - even if it reaches no one. In this regard, I probably calm down somehow but my intellectual conscience ..
time: Metazeit
Status: sick and couplers to
Occasion: Why am I so unhappy when I'm blowing the day nothing?
Get just sick and lying in bed with a weak head. I notice how my day really an unproductive deeply unnerved. I need a rhythm of doing, the world order of publication to make me feel good . In my current physical condition I'm not sure if my account of this deep need or sickness, the nausea. 'Leave a message'
for me nothing of a diary: it's about the quick rush that attempt to quickly capture an aspect with pointed words to let me participate and others and remind them to. My Drunken Wisdom (B-Wisdom) drunken and news are here nunmal concept. 'Automatic writing' of the Surrealists and Gonzo journalism, a la Thompson HT my brothers or sisters are in this sense, the diatribe and the speakers philosophers forgotten ancestors of my word-doing. What is this urge me if the lack of such activities regularly frustration promises?
I do not know, honestly. Internet addiction? Not really: I do not hang on the net, but seek communication. Selfishness? For that I am very interested in a solution and take the failure of my drunken (or today, sick) in states like buying. Loss of control? This is an attempt to arrange this world - if and unconventional - to present. Missionary? For that I take myself as a person, not serious enough. Hate? For that I am very humanitarian. The fear of intellectually stunted? Maybe. The experiment? The fact that I can somehow drunk, I've long since proven. For the audience? This I know very little and it has often expressed as a fan and called for a continuation. For the fame? Make sure I spend enough time with the spread of my posts. For money? Look at the buttons on Flattr.
There probably is no external reason or flat-psychological explanation for my actions I am not fixing this blog because I am a failure should surrender, and I get no feedback and feel my weakness, not as a sign that would make a meaningful distribution.
I love the rhetoric and the forms of acting texts, the cast of the speech the ugly shadow of demagogic mass murderer again and predict an un-sober communications over short pieces again. It's a bit sad that many non-readers and readers of this blog but practice this form of discourse is not itself or attaches to the dialogue. To give
a fraction of my thoughts on at least one detectable site and to convince the world of the controversy and the productivity of self-experimentation and subjective texts do I continue .. and I need this mission because this world is so backward in their potential, that the pain caused by the large number of stillbirths head again with the pain of the drunken naive polemic must be confronted in order to rethink the future. Anything else would be flat and satisfies only technocratic intensity but not me.
I bracuhe no 'I do' for my existence, but an 'I knew' about the old life with his limited barriers to overcome theses to the world can. If anyone is looking:: All right, I'm not afraid to operate openly artistic research. I put A drunken B-Weiser-thinking so we can all finally shelved C can say that would be at least a nice side effect of my performance here. Drunk, I have to write even without this effect to this dead world ever harming - even if it reaches no one. In this regard, I probably calm down somehow but my intellectual conscience ..
time: Metazeit
Status: sick and couplers to
Occasion: Why am I so unhappy when I'm blowing the day nothing?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Pokemon Emerald Stores
The renaissance of the nobility and the new Social
If the membership of the needle really what drives us? Is that the only vestige of civilization in our pseudo-social future? What about nesting? What game? What Reproduction? What distinguishes us from the past? It can not be lasting progress if we still idolize the nobility.
All anthropoligisch something, right? But now let's face it: If everyone would just put up, and so behave: What can come out? The desire for power would say the realists. The idealists believe in learning and standards-setting people - ultimately, a brand of realism. The fundamental question is whether we continue to develop socially - and even global in scale!
I feel comfort and luxury in the sense of technical progress is not as a development: Just because I am an atomic bomb, a washing machine or have a car, I develop myself socially further. It remains between human culture, which is necessary to social development.
The anthropoligischen constant propagation, play and nest-building have to the test: Do the evolved? For the propagation it needs approval. This, however, been eroded in some developed countries by the Pornofizierung (There is even an Australian group on Facebook, this contest open). The nesting has moved part in the Inter net: common photo albums, shared blogs, fixed Fraundeskreise, phenomenological rooms filled with straw, paint and hens, the one surrounded by cozy: a new level! This is happening in any case somewhat. The game , the ludic: the possibilities have multiplied .. is playing or socially? I do not know .. the ritualized fighting against each other here seems at least an ideology of selfishness not resist to. Ultimately, it is mostly a game of 'power over': except it is gambling.
So, is there something by which we seek individuals' luxury, power, and marrying into the aristocracy? All three aspects are probably lost their way for many hints and conditions for "independence." This view is of course incredible and unexplained unliberated.
How much to invest every day still really in the trans-and supra-individual cultivation of things that do not fall into that false image of independence, I ask you? What kind of social issues we produce? Is it enough for the people in the long run, reproduction and nesting to an aesthetic? Sounds to me very primitive an .. we reduce our social behavior to that? So just very Nietzschean terms what difference to the animals and the people of the past you tried or seen it in you?
The term "social media" is at least some window dressing, since it first arrives on the culture of the social. Everything else is realistic networks and bride added new forms of nest building. The first two aspects refer to the desire to be part of supposedly "better" formerly called "nobility."
that we have forced the pedigree chauvinists like Guttenberg, to put her "on" when they come in a government office, here is another symptom. This is a Frecheit and no name for a Democrat who feels under the same man. We are not pseudo-democracy, as the British, English or others looking up: that is, at least to me schizophrenic. A rare respect towards Austria: Habsburg monarchs are your ass, and rightly so. She even mocked her on TV! Consideration .. the French have quite a few heads may roll their leviathans. I not return to an elite eugenics à la Sarazin wants .. nothing happens in our society is breeding and linearizations ..
time: dark times
Status: informed
Occasion: The last local post and my eyes are deep into the glass
If the membership of the needle really what drives us? Is that the only vestige of civilization in our pseudo-social future? What about nesting? What game? What Reproduction? What distinguishes us from the past? It can not be lasting progress if we still idolize the nobility.
All anthropoligisch something, right? But now let's face it: If everyone would just put up, and so behave: What can come out? The desire for power would say the realists. The idealists believe in learning and standards-setting people - ultimately, a brand of realism. The fundamental question is whether we continue to develop socially - and even global in scale!
I feel comfort and luxury in the sense of technical progress is not as a development: Just because I am an atomic bomb, a washing machine or have a car, I develop myself socially further. It remains between human culture, which is necessary to social development.
The anthropoligischen constant propagation, play and nest-building have to the test: Do the evolved? For the propagation it needs approval. This, however, been eroded in some developed countries by the Pornofizierung (There is even an Australian group on Facebook, this contest open). The nesting has moved part in the Inter net: common photo albums, shared blogs, fixed Fraundeskreise, phenomenological rooms filled with straw, paint and hens, the one surrounded by cozy: a new level! This is happening in any case somewhat. The game , the ludic: the possibilities have multiplied .. is playing or socially? I do not know .. the ritualized fighting against each other here seems at least an ideology of selfishness not resist to. Ultimately, it is mostly a game of 'power over': except it is gambling.
So, is there something by which we seek individuals' luxury, power, and marrying into the aristocracy? All three aspects are probably lost their way for many hints and conditions for "independence." This view is of course incredible and unexplained unliberated.
How much to invest every day still really in the trans-and supra-individual cultivation of things that do not fall into that false image of independence, I ask you? What kind of social issues we produce? Is it enough for the people in the long run, reproduction and nesting to an aesthetic? Sounds to me very primitive an .. we reduce our social behavior to that? So just very Nietzschean terms what difference to the animals and the people of the past you tried or seen it in you?
The term "social media" is at least some window dressing, since it first arrives on the culture of the social. Everything else is realistic networks and bride added new forms of nest building. The first two aspects refer to the desire to be part of supposedly "better" formerly called "nobility."
that we have forced the pedigree chauvinists like Guttenberg, to put her "on" when they come in a government office, here is another symptom. This is a Frecheit and no name for a Democrat who feels under the same man. We are not pseudo-democracy, as the British, English or others looking up: that is, at least to me schizophrenic. A rare respect towards Austria: Habsburg monarchs are your ass, and rightly so. She even mocked her on TV! Consideration .. the French have quite a few heads may roll their leviathans. I not return to an elite eugenics à la Sarazin wants .. nothing happens in our society is breeding and linearizations ..
time: dark times
Status: informed
Occasion: The last local post and my eyes are deep into the glass
Monday, November 1, 2010
Knit Baby Sling Pattern
independence, high standards and communication - zombies take over the world
Independence an exciting moment in human existence . There will be on this blog this is definitely a series of texts. It is the Unwünschenswerte a socially idealized world and at the same time, the concept of the most is out of the mouth, one would ask passers-by. And it also produces very very ugly people ..
pseudo-dialogues that allow
is cold, put
The calculations in the foreground, zynisieren
civility as Smalltalk, meet the nice on the head,
humanity not know can not trust
the world as a disappointing consumer offer to design
reify all men, as hasty judgments stupid things
establish this as a quick wit exaggerate,
a posh clique
increase as escape the demands again and again in terms of convenience and luxury,
only rich, want to fuck perfect people confuse
style with money to invest
further into the cycle of cold self,
be by shrinking circle of friends and growing circle of acquaintances more and more forced into a role that is condescending and independently experienced this world, harder than fate sees
always difficult to imagine alternatives, as the yardstick, the pride has long since become a limbo pole of money and status, you may only drunk and less out of your mind .. or if no one looks to be
while any gossip of any fact behind, the other denies pride or a career without entitlement to friends and friends revealed
uncertainty deny at all costs, while an expert on weaknesses of others. Is this the price of independence? Have not they human zombie mix of rotten and offensive communication needs a future? Are we all American Bitches? filled
Surrounded by objectivity, rationality, a world of sighted ruling without mercy with care of social decline, armed with all the superficial weapons of this world to hold positions, the 'I' to defend a position in his cave with a hollow sense of dying, tied to the consumer world with attractions, where one locates oneself available to its choice of partner or career ... there is this world in diseased minds and infect the people we know.
I personally surprise to people who like to consider them as I am human, philosophical, worldly, visionary and knowledgeable. The young would-be aristocrats who rely on their descent from the money, respond to challenges mostly with clothing and other critics Distinktionssicherheiten and disappear quickly contemptible in their environment. Because you remember most, that surprise their wit someone has to hurt, to be truly and leave the field. You can not win.
affluent males in these groups of course I'm interested in hetero- only in passing. Women have generally maintained their appearance, their visual proximity to men with dreams of wealth are the same and poor, and not free: on the contrary! Women from such monetary communities are to achieve even more difficult to stabilize themselves in their disease. They have the path of inspiration - so do not state a consumer - long since left and are looking for people to review visual features and codes. People who do not fit into the scheme there will be replaced with professional cold or injured. I call it "visual deterioration" or "Look people: your zombie existence is socially accepted and established in our media images as normal. No one is helping these poor things.
There is no functioning three-circle more. The 'claim' to dominate and kill - in the sense of personal circles in which you are stuck and the money and consumer demands - the 'independence', the 'claim' to kill in his jaded, negative form, the 'communication' with the world.
This special three-way relationship from claim, independence and communication says a lot about the way out of people. The ugly faces of a chichi scene - which in my opinion, strengthened in recent years and growing - has no idea of this structure somehow. Especially the way pretty women in this world I've described above, un-independent and predictable, Despite the fact that they try the opposite: But you are looking for the needle and can get rid of this urge is very rare.
These people need shocks to wake up, they need the improbability that someone does not need the environment to be somebody that wisdom has nothing to do with ancestry that visual fascism is not an aid to concentration, but outsources only the disturbing, the the diversity of this world only regardless of the Aryan-elitist claim makes spiral in which they are caught miserably. What claims cultivated her? How often do you leave on your eyes?
time: varies even on my watch
Status: helping.
Occasion: wondered about pride in the chichi Puff of life
Independence an exciting moment in human existence . There will be on this blog this is definitely a series of texts. It is the Unwünschenswerte a socially idealized world and at the same time, the concept of the most is out of the mouth, one would ask passers-by. And it also produces very very ugly people ..
pseudo-dialogues that allow
is cold, put
The calculations in the foreground, zynisieren
civility as Smalltalk, meet the nice on the head,
humanity not know can not trust
the world as a disappointing consumer offer to design
reify all men, as hasty judgments stupid things
establish this as a quick wit exaggerate,
a posh clique
increase as escape the demands again and again in terms of convenience and luxury,
only rich, want to fuck perfect people confuse
style with money to invest
further into the cycle of cold self,
be by shrinking circle of friends and growing circle of acquaintances more and more forced into a role that is condescending and independently experienced this world, harder than fate sees
always difficult to imagine alternatives, as the yardstick, the pride has long since become a limbo pole of money and status, you may only drunk and less out of your mind .. or if no one looks to be
while any gossip of any fact behind, the other denies pride or a career without entitlement to friends and friends revealed
uncertainty deny at all costs, while an expert on weaknesses of others. Is this the price of independence? Have not they human zombie mix of rotten and offensive communication needs a future? Are we all American Bitches? filled
Surrounded by objectivity, rationality, a world of sighted ruling without mercy with care of social decline, armed with all the superficial weapons of this world to hold positions, the 'I' to defend a position in his cave with a hollow sense of dying, tied to the consumer world with attractions, where one locates oneself available to its choice of partner or career ... there is this world in diseased minds and infect the people we know.
I personally surprise to people who like to consider them as I am human, philosophical, worldly, visionary and knowledgeable. The young would-be aristocrats who rely on their descent from the money, respond to challenges mostly with clothing and other critics Distinktionssicherheiten and disappear quickly contemptible in their environment. Because you remember most, that surprise their wit someone has to hurt, to be truly and leave the field. You can not win.
affluent males in these groups of course I'm interested in hetero- only in passing. Women have generally maintained their appearance, their visual proximity to men with dreams of wealth are the same and poor, and not free: on the contrary! Women from such monetary communities are to achieve even more difficult to stabilize themselves in their disease. They have the path of inspiration - so do not state a consumer - long since left and are looking for people to review visual features and codes. People who do not fit into the scheme there will be replaced with professional cold or injured. I call it "visual deterioration" or "Look people: your zombie existence is socially accepted and established in our media images as normal. No one is helping these poor things.
There is no functioning three-circle more. The 'claim' to dominate and kill - in the sense of personal circles in which you are stuck and the money and consumer demands - the 'independence', the 'claim' to kill in his jaded, negative form, the 'communication' with the world.
This special three-way relationship from claim, independence and communication says a lot about the way out of people. The ugly faces of a chichi scene - which in my opinion, strengthened in recent years and growing - has no idea of this structure somehow. Especially the way pretty women in this world I've described above, un-independent and predictable, Despite the fact that they try the opposite: But you are looking for the needle and can get rid of this urge is very rare.
These people need shocks to wake up, they need the improbability that someone does not need the environment to be somebody that wisdom has nothing to do with ancestry that visual fascism is not an aid to concentration, but outsources only the disturbing, the the diversity of this world only regardless of the Aryan-elitist claim makes spiral in which they are caught miserably. What claims cultivated her? How often do you leave on your eyes?
time: varies even on my watch
Status: helping.
Occasion: wondered about pride in the chichi Puff of life
Friday, October 29, 2010
How To Change Brake Shoes On 96 Neon
military Amendment Act leads to the collapse in Landshut civilian agencies
In Landshut are present (222 present civilian courts ZDP) in 35 community service agencies ZDS employs 123 young men who are performing military service instead of a 6-month community service. By past legislative measures such as reducing the military service, which automatically result in a reduction of civil service time, are now almost 100 seats vacant. Figures that in a group discussion with the relevant regional manager for the regions of Munich and Landshut are Erding, Günter Mäbert determined. By entering into force on 01.12.2010 Military Law Amendment Act (suspension of military service and so exposure of civilian service) is already the beginning of 2011 a further reduction from April 2011 and again a significant reduction in community service in Landshut.
are particularly affected many charitable and social institutions in the city and district. For example, in Landshut Hospital currently 38 civil service (ZDL), Lakumed 16 ZDL, BRK employed by the district association of 35 (ZDP) 19 ZDL, at 30 institutions of charity and the ZDL Landshuter Youth 7 ZDL. The question in all civil service posts is: How can the collapse of community service to be compensated in Landshut? Attempts by some civilian agencies shall by civilian courts to step up so far failed.
If one were currently 123 Landshut Community service replace regular workers, it would raise the affected community service agencies together € 5 million. At the federal level would be that, at present over 90,000 ZDL, amounts to billions. On the other hand, are for replacement by new jobs result in added costs such as increased medical costs and social costs for the debate.
At a conference of BFL Group in Berlin were talks with the head of the Federal Armed Forces Association, Colonel Ulrich Kirsch, Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense Commissioner Karl-Dietrich led Haase and members of the Bundestag. It proposed solutions were discussed, such as the voluntary additional community service, an extension of the current service by up to 6 months. This compensation of the April 2011, is made substantially in question. Another solution to the so far 90 000 30 000 ZDP by voluntary agencies to be replaced. Even this solution is estimated by insiders to be less successful, who is going to volunteer to make this not just lucrative service. In the discussion also included the introduction of a so-called "social obligation year" for all young male and female Germans. Participants of the discussion board welcomes in principle because of the social skills of young people is an important educational effect the service for the Society for the effect would be. However, from the political side difficult to implement because it involves a change in the law of Article 12 (compulsory military service for men only) of the Basic Law with 2 / 3 majority is needed. To this unpopular measure will agree is hardly a member of parliament.
A shift to the Voluntary social year "FSJ would be another option compensation. However, this solution requires, according to information from the deputy head of the Bavarian Red Cross District Association Landshut, H. Volkmer, the abolition of the time window (setting only for the months of July, August, September). So, to allow better planning settings made for each quarter could. Downside to FSJ the possibility of the service providers is to terminate at any time, for example, if a training or study space is available.
A timely response to the impending severe cuts, with the support of the policy, is urgently needed.
are particularly affected many charitable and social institutions in the city and district. For example, in Landshut Hospital currently 38 civil service (ZDL), Lakumed 16 ZDL, BRK employed by the district association of 35 (ZDP) 19 ZDL, at 30 institutions of charity and the ZDL Landshuter Youth 7 ZDL. The question in all civil service posts is: How can the collapse of community service to be compensated in Landshut? Attempts by some civilian agencies shall by civilian courts to step up so far failed.
If one were currently 123 Landshut Community service replace regular workers, it would raise the affected community service agencies together € 5 million. At the federal level would be that, at present over 90,000 ZDL, amounts to billions. On the other hand, are for replacement by new jobs result in added costs such as increased medical costs and social costs for the debate.
At a conference of BFL Group in Berlin were talks with the head of the Federal Armed Forces Association, Colonel Ulrich Kirsch, Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense Commissioner Karl-Dietrich led Haase and members of the Bundestag. It proposed solutions were discussed, such as the voluntary additional community service, an extension of the current service by up to 6 months. This compensation of the April 2011, is made substantially in question. Another solution to the so far 90 000 30 000 ZDP by voluntary agencies to be replaced. Even this solution is estimated by insiders to be less successful, who is going to volunteer to make this not just lucrative service. In the discussion also included the introduction of a so-called "social obligation year" for all young male and female Germans. Participants of the discussion board welcomes in principle because of the social skills of young people is an important educational effect the service for the Society for the effect would be. However, from the political side difficult to implement because it involves a change in the law of Article 12 (compulsory military service for men only) of the Basic Law with 2 / 3 majority is needed. To this unpopular measure will agree is hardly a member of parliament.
A shift to the Voluntary social year "FSJ would be another option compensation. However, this solution requires, according to information from the deputy head of the Bavarian Red Cross District Association Landshut, H. Volkmer, the abolition of the time window (setting only for the months of July, August, September). So, to allow better planning settings made for each quarter could. Downside to FSJ the possibility of the service providers is to terminate at any time, for example, if a training or study space is available.
A timely response to the impending severe cuts, with the support of the policy, is urgently needed.
Pinewood Derbyfree Templates
City Council the request of the group Citizens for Landshut e. V. - ambient air concentration
The Government initiates a noise pollution and ambient air concentration of CO ²-Susceptibility (possibly Feinstaubimmission) for the entire Velden road to the city limits of the neighboring community Kumhausen.
The burden of the strong and growing market for Achdorf citizens, particularly for the residents of Velden Street, is still unbearable, probably hazardous to health even dent.
The traffic count at 15 800 08/02/2005 vehicles/24 hours were counted. On the occasion of the traffic study 4 / 2010, there were already 16 500 vehicles/24 hours
According to forecast the same traffic study are expected in 2025 about 19 200 vehicles/24 hours.
These figures require an urgent statement in emissions take appropriate action to relieve the citizens to enforce.
Bernd O. Friedrich
Signed Margaret bowl
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert
The burden of the strong and growing market for Achdorf citizens, particularly for the residents of Velden Street, is still unbearable, probably hazardous to health even dent.
The traffic count at 15 800 08/02/2005 vehicles/24 hours were counted. On the occasion of the traffic study 4 / 2010, there were already 16 500 vehicles/24 hours
According to forecast the same traffic study are expected in 2025 about 19 200 vehicles/24 hours.
These figures require an urgent statement in emissions take appropriate action to relieve the citizens to enforce.
Bernd O. Friedrich
Signed Margaret bowl
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert
How To Change Brakeshoes On 96 Neon
Landshuter Rundschau 27.10.2010
citizens of Landshut: military service reform at risk 222 Landshuter civilian agencies
In Landshut currently working in 35 civil service posts (ZDS) 123 young men who held military service, a 6-month community service serve. A total of 222 are civilian courts (ZDP) is present in Landshut. By past legal actions
In Landshut currently working in 35 civil service posts (ZDS) 123 young men who held military service, a 6-month community service serve. A total of 222 are civilian courts (ZDP) is present in Landshut. By past legal actions
such as reducing the military service, which automatically
a reduction of the civil service, are now almost 100 seats vacant. Pay identified by the Group of Citizens for Landshut 'with the relevant regional manager for the regions of Munich, Landshut and Erding, Günter Mäbert. By entering into force on 01.12.2010 Military Law Amendment Act (suspension of military service and so exposure of civilian service) is already at the beginning of 2011 a further reduction from April 2011 and again a significant reduction in community service in Landshut.
are particularly affected many charitable and social institutions in the city and district. For example, in Landshut Hospital currently 38 civil service (ZDL), in 16 Lakumed ZDL, the BRK-district association of 35 (ZDP) 19 ZDL, for facilities Caritas ZDL 30 and employed by the Landshut Youth 7 ZDL. The question in all civil service posts is: How can the collapse of community service to be compensated in Landshut? Attempts by some civilian agencies to intensify the procurement of civilian courts have failed so far.
If one were currently replace 123 Landshuter community service by regular workers, it would raise the affected community service agencies together 5 Million € uro. At the federal level would be that, at present over 90,000 ZDL, amounts to billions. On the other hand, are for replacement by new jobs result in added costs such as increased medical costs and social costs for the debate.
At a conference of BFL Group in Berlin were talks with the head of the Federal Armed Forces Association, Colonel Ulrich Kirsch, Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense Commissioner Karl-Dietrich led Haase and members of the Bundestag. It proposed solutions were discussed, such as the voluntary additional community service, an extension of the current service by up to 6 months. This compensation of the April 2011, is made substantially in question. Another solution to the so far 90 000 30 000 ZDP by voluntary agencies to be replaced. Even this solution is estimated by insiders to be less successful because of who is going to volunteer this is not just lucrative pay service. In the discussion also included the introduction of a so-called "social obligation year" for all young male and female Germans. Of participants in the discussion generally welcomed because of the social skills of young people is an important educational effect on service to the Society for the effect would be. However, from the political side difficult to implement because it involves a change in the law of Article 12 (compulsory military service for men only) of the Basic Law with 2 / 3 majority is needed. To this unpopular measure will agree is hardly a member of parliament.
A shift to the Voluntary Year of Service "FSJ would be another option compensation. However, this solution requires, according to information from the deputy head of the Bavarian Red Cross District Association Landshut, H. Volkmer, the abolition of the time window (setting only for the months of July, August, September). So that could be done to better plan settings for each quarter. Downside to FSJ the possibility of the service providers is to terminate at any time, for example, if a training or study space is available.
A timely response to the impending severe cuts, with the support of the policy, is urgently needed.
are particularly affected many charitable and social institutions in the city and district. For example, in Landshut Hospital currently 38 civil service (ZDL), in 16 Lakumed ZDL, the BRK-district association of 35 (ZDP) 19 ZDL, for facilities Caritas ZDL 30 and employed by the Landshut Youth 7 ZDL. The question in all civil service posts is: How can the collapse of community service to be compensated in Landshut? Attempts by some civilian agencies to intensify the procurement of civilian courts have failed so far.
If one were currently replace 123 Landshuter community service by regular workers, it would raise the affected community service agencies together 5 Million € uro. At the federal level would be that, at present over 90,000 ZDL, amounts to billions. On the other hand, are for replacement by new jobs result in added costs such as increased medical costs and social costs for the debate.
At a conference of BFL Group in Berlin were talks with the head of the Federal Armed Forces Association, Colonel Ulrich Kirsch, Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense Commissioner Karl-Dietrich led Haase and members of the Bundestag. It proposed solutions were discussed, such as the voluntary additional community service, an extension of the current service by up to 6 months. This compensation of the April 2011, is made substantially in question. Another solution to the so far 90 000 30 000 ZDP by voluntary agencies to be replaced. Even this solution is estimated by insiders to be less successful because of who is going to volunteer this is not just lucrative pay service. In the discussion also included the introduction of a so-called "social obligation year" for all young male and female Germans. Of participants in the discussion generally welcomed because of the social skills of young people is an important educational effect on service to the Society for the effect would be. However, from the political side difficult to implement because it involves a change in the law of Article 12 (compulsory military service for men only) of the Basic Law with 2 / 3 majority is needed. To this unpopular measure will agree is hardly a member of parliament.
A shift to the Voluntary Year of Service "FSJ would be another option compensation. However, this solution requires, according to information from the deputy head of the Bavarian Red Cross District Association Landshut, H. Volkmer, the abolition of the time window (setting only for the months of July, August, September). So that could be done to better plan settings for each quarter. Downside to FSJ the possibility of the service providers is to terminate at any time, for example, if a training or study space is available.
A timely response to the impending severe cuts, with the support of the policy, is urgently needed.
Caption: The City Councils of Citizens for Landshut ", including party leader Bernd Friedrich, Margit bowl and Rosmarie Schwenkert, talking to military officers, the Federal Office of Civil Service, the Armed Forces Association and members of the Bundestag.
Duo Maternity Clothes
Closed meeting of the group Citizens for Landshut in Berlin from 04.10. - 06.10.2010
In open discussions, the past work of the city counsel of Citizens for Landshut e. V. of the various city councils was evaluated.
The principles of cooperation of a coordinatively smooth exchange of information for each Committee and Senate meetings were discussed there.
Based on the existing excellent cooperation in the group even better two-way communication with the club management and members of the association is sought.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Women Preagnet By Sons Friends
Skilled Turks - phony Merkel
plays spontaneously: respect for the Turkish diplomacy! What is happening there lately wise to participate in the German debate on integration is phenomenal: nothing changed the world more as gifts. Merkel while providing a stage, and as they could to undermine strategic discourse, is a masterpiece.
There were the gestures during the Turkey game by Erdogan to a conservative and nationalist politicians were almost unworthy bet something Merkel chauvinistic to a 2-1 for Germany was very Erdogan diplomat: "The better team should win." - As if he were the host of the evening. He praised Germany and the good examples of integration with no claim and blame and gave Germany a little of what we come to just not, I guess the "You--debt-integrated-you-but-wall: He formulated the ideal for the Germans of Turkish origin, to integrate this in German society. An incredible turnaround, had Erdogan's election campaign in Germany with all the rhetorical force nor a polemic, it is a human right to never forget his origins and fueled the debate on integration itself.
Campaigning seems over. Although in Germany sophisticated debates about our multicultural society, Islam as a way of life of many and constitutionality are of most varieties of Islam: the German media at all interested in not just the uneducated, familial isolated people from Turkey. The service Erdogan is so huge that it this event (match), which is actually a great moment of nationalist excesses and identification, to use to write the Turkish community in the root directory, that they should educate their children and should speak German. On this normative level to reach so many Kurds and Anatolian peasants with German Media simply do not.
has now reloading President Gul in an interview even further: He would Özil, would play this asked him for advice, recommended for the German and the Turkish national team. And he draws the tolerance chart: the great nations and countries have of course, several religions and cultures and would have to deal with it if they could see themselves as such. At one time Turkey is the country that can deal with the modern and slightly loose in about Saladin defined way that it is multicultural. A great rhetorical handle, which gives German conservatives no longer bottom. The claim to the Turks in Germany is even higher than hung from Schwaben, Bavaria and Saxony: one should even speak German without an accent! Hear, hear! Why the instinct pushes politicians Merkel probably in the anti-multiculturalism-Horn? Ever considered that about it? Because they lose control of the discourse. Otherwise the profile-free Merkel original is fake, the sharpness needed for the sheep of the German middle. If they lose the fear of the Muslim, she has put on the wrong wolf.
Of course, this presents a Turkish Islamic-conservative party actually connected to a target. You know, that fails the admission of Turkey into the EU from the CDU / CSU. German Domestic politics, therefore, decides on the future of Turkey. The Turks in Germany can do with their behavior and their desire to free themselves from their social isolation make, that world politics! We'll see if they understand that and follow where other signals. For this purpose, they should communicate more with the German public and, of course, need amplifier in the opposition to withdraw the Seehofer-/Merkel-Kurs and discourse to non-Christians the base. I'm curious. Turkish diplomacy may be better in my head is now, at least not imagine ..
time: in advance of travel of the German President to Turkey
Status: drunk only slightly.
Occasion: Merkel in the case .
plays spontaneously: respect for the Turkish diplomacy! What is happening there lately wise to participate in the German debate on integration is phenomenal: nothing changed the world more as gifts. Merkel while providing a stage, and as they could to undermine strategic discourse, is a masterpiece.
There were the gestures during the Turkey game by Erdogan to a conservative and nationalist politicians were almost unworthy bet something Merkel chauvinistic to a 2-1 for Germany was very Erdogan diplomat: "The better team should win." - As if he were the host of the evening. He praised Germany and the good examples of integration with no claim and blame and gave Germany a little of what we come to just not, I guess the "You--debt-integrated-you-but-wall: He formulated the ideal for the Germans of Turkish origin, to integrate this in German society. An incredible turnaround, had Erdogan's election campaign in Germany with all the rhetorical force nor a polemic, it is a human right to never forget his origins and fueled the debate on integration itself.
Campaigning seems over. Although in Germany sophisticated debates about our multicultural society, Islam as a way of life of many and constitutionality are of most varieties of Islam: the German media at all interested in not just the uneducated, familial isolated people from Turkey. The service Erdogan is so huge that it this event (match), which is actually a great moment of nationalist excesses and identification, to use to write the Turkish community in the root directory, that they should educate their children and should speak German. On this normative level to reach so many Kurds and Anatolian peasants with German Media simply do not.
has now reloading President Gul in an interview even further: He would Özil, would play this asked him for advice, recommended for the German and the Turkish national team. And he draws the tolerance chart: the great nations and countries have of course, several religions and cultures and would have to deal with it if they could see themselves as such. At one time Turkey is the country that can deal with the modern and slightly loose in about Saladin defined way that it is multicultural. A great rhetorical handle, which gives German conservatives no longer bottom. The claim to the Turks in Germany is even higher than hung from Schwaben, Bavaria and Saxony: one should even speak German without an accent! Hear, hear! Why the instinct pushes politicians Merkel probably in the anti-multiculturalism-Horn? Ever considered that about it? Because they lose control of the discourse. Otherwise the profile-free Merkel original is fake, the sharpness needed for the sheep of the German middle. If they lose the fear of the Muslim, she has put on the wrong wolf.
Of course, this presents a Turkish Islamic-conservative party actually connected to a target. You know, that fails the admission of Turkey into the EU from the CDU / CSU. German Domestic politics, therefore, decides on the future of Turkey. The Turks in Germany can do with their behavior and their desire to free themselves from their social isolation make, that world politics! We'll see if they understand that and follow where other signals. For this purpose, they should communicate more with the German public and, of course, need amplifier in the opposition to withdraw the Seehofer-/Merkel-Kurs and discourse to non-Christians the base. I'm curious. Turkish diplomacy may be better in my head is now, at least not imagine ..
time: in advance of travel of the German President to Turkey
Status: drunk only slightly.
Occasion: Merkel in the case .
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Record Emulator Audio
Coke Light: Women should be open only to swallow your tongue!
According to the general excitement of the last posts now again what concrete. At least a specific motion picture product: I have long pushed by advertising, not as bad as this Coke Light aberration, which teaches young women to swallow.
Here comes purely a "boss" with two assistants and invites an employee files on the table with his governess announcement: today! and from sizzling. Even though the typical boss proved no man is: the little mouse gets out no sound in the direction of head and complains is ... Tadaaa not cross the employment but self-pitying, angry about the fate of a unausweichlliche Frustgrunzen. The modern woman of today to swallow anything if it wants to exist: an old male fantasy ..
That one aufmucken not on the job may be, by the open plan office full of competitors - all dolled young doll in miniskirt wasp waist-anorexia-aesthetics - symbolizes that confirm the protagonist in advertising is that it will be forever and completely normal is that it is dominated. All hang on puppet strings and are only toys in the hands of others, and the only proper handling of this situation is in advertising, with the phrase, "Take it easy!" titled. Together we are weak .. na great!
expresses the spontaneous solidarity in open-plan office will be in a momentous synchronized dance that represents the angle changing the doll more of a male gaze performance or cheerleading action (is there a difference? Mmhh); for a dance of joy. All of the shaped her career desire body rattle like skeletons with dead eyes or luscious curves and accessories equipped thin models in their work towards high heels Cola vending machine. The Coke Light with the substance that simplifies the oppression and exploitation .. a great message! "Cluck Cluck" and then 'sip sip.
Does an all-female world of work like this? Cruel adjustment pressure, hardening against the weak that can not defend themselves, hypocritical solidarity, common weakness as a unifying element, Duck-mentality Aufbrezel-competition would be considered at the next moment, either the dream man or a porn producer to enter the office, drinking in the only liberating moment everyday confuse ribbed chicks, the Coke Light with proper meals and salvation?
What do whatever the company and the agency they thinking - if it the idea with the puppets so original, were so vague because the "light" and then looked in the demanding Implementation have lost if they would reflect the reality of life for their target group that is overwhelmed with prettiness and work, and the constant pressure at only salad lunch without breakfast, whether they actually believed they would stage girl power - it is in its normal my eyes reprehensible. Such a picture submissive women who are not just dolls but are still silly ("Ah: you take it seriously ': That's life is in Menschenhändlerpuff nunmal: ne drinking Coke) I will not somehow see on TV. That cuts me right!
time: even during the campaigning
Status: TV and beer
Occasion: The world gets used to "I'll do everything," Women
According to the general excitement of the last posts now again what concrete. At least a specific motion picture product: I have long pushed by advertising, not as bad as this Coke Light aberration, which teaches young women to swallow.
Here comes purely a "boss" with two assistants and invites an employee files on the table with his governess announcement: today! and from sizzling. Even though the typical boss proved no man is: the little mouse gets out no sound in the direction of head and complains is ... Tadaaa not cross the employment but self-pitying, angry about the fate of a unausweichlliche Frustgrunzen. The modern woman of today to swallow anything if it wants to exist: an old male fantasy ..
That one aufmucken not on the job may be, by the open plan office full of competitors - all dolled young doll in miniskirt wasp waist-anorexia-aesthetics - symbolizes that confirm the protagonist in advertising is that it will be forever and completely normal is that it is dominated. All hang on puppet strings and are only toys in the hands of others, and the only proper handling of this situation is in advertising, with the phrase, "Take it easy!" titled. Together we are weak .. na great!
expresses the spontaneous solidarity in open-plan office will be in a momentous synchronized dance that represents the angle changing the doll more of a male gaze performance or cheerleading action (is there a difference? Mmhh); for a dance of joy. All of the shaped her career desire body rattle like skeletons with dead eyes or luscious curves and accessories equipped thin models in their work towards high heels Cola vending machine. The Coke Light with the substance that simplifies the oppression and exploitation .. a great message! "Cluck Cluck" and then 'sip sip.
Does an all-female world of work like this? Cruel adjustment pressure, hardening against the weak that can not defend themselves, hypocritical solidarity, common weakness as a unifying element, Duck-mentality Aufbrezel-competition would be considered at the next moment, either the dream man or a porn producer to enter the office, drinking in the only liberating moment everyday confuse ribbed chicks, the Coke Light with proper meals and salvation?
What do whatever the company and the agency they thinking - if it the idea with the puppets so original, were so vague because the "light" and then looked in the demanding Implementation have lost if they would reflect the reality of life for their target group that is overwhelmed with prettiness and work, and the constant pressure at only salad lunch without breakfast, whether they actually believed they would stage girl power - it is in its normal my eyes reprehensible. Such a picture submissive women who are not just dolls but are still silly ("Ah: you take it seriously ': That's life is in Menschenhändlerpuff nunmal: ne drinking Coke) I will not somehow see on TV. That cuts me right!
time: even during the campaigning
Status: TV and beer
Occasion: The world gets used to "I'll do everything," Women
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Linsay Dawn Mckenzey Bedroom Wellpaper
Stuttgart 21: reloaded 1848th
Somehow I get bored of this whole Stuttgart 21-bustle. As surprised southern German voters that politicians want to govern their monarchist. This realization comes late!
The dis-illusion of so many people who refuse for reasons of economy now a major project, whose dimension can not comprehend it, is either pathetic or ridiculous. The lush Stuttgart, which holds (Oettinger) even has its own mafia and could afford, was shocked by the short work, and the savings rate is probably higher increased. The well-documented planning totals of the 'Jahrhunderprojekt 21' (what nonsense?! 100 years without any infrastructure project in Stuttgart vision looks different) make the Swabians of course fear.
But now to the consternation: You should not choose a halt politicians who want to rule. Policy has by definition the function 'democratic problem solving' and does not Monarch Select. If you always choose the people who believe that problem solving means to pool all the resources of power to enforce the will of its own: This is simply not a democratic mentality.
alone, that the last two leaders in Badi Würti by quasi-imperial Succession came about ... ring's? While this is not a legal use of the voters. And now wonder the masters of their 1848th And the "liberals" now sitting at the table of the arrogant monarch.
All this in the home country of liberalism. But the "liberals" with their party latch on to an old liberal mind: democracy yes .. But not everyone can really know about his education here, he should "reasonably" choose. Such an FDP is in this government in BarWürdenBerg ...
ceases to surprise you, and selects from the monarchy, the democratic opposition and do not want a conflict, but by rule .
time: After the monarchy before the monarchy
Status: only three beers but output
Occasion: is astonished people in the south of the country engrossed
Somehow I get bored of this whole Stuttgart 21-bustle. As surprised southern German voters that politicians want to govern their monarchist. This realization comes late!
The dis-illusion of so many people who refuse for reasons of economy now a major project, whose dimension can not comprehend it, is either pathetic or ridiculous. The lush Stuttgart, which holds (Oettinger) even has its own mafia and could afford, was shocked by the short work, and the savings rate is probably higher increased. The well-documented planning totals of the 'Jahrhunderprojekt 21' (what nonsense?! 100 years without any infrastructure project in Stuttgart vision looks different) make the Swabians of course fear.
But now to the consternation: You should not choose a halt politicians who want to rule. Policy has by definition the function 'democratic problem solving' and does not Monarch Select. If you always choose the people who believe that problem solving means to pool all the resources of power to enforce the will of its own: This is simply not a democratic mentality.
alone, that the last two leaders in Badi Würti by quasi-imperial Succession came about ... ring's? While this is not a legal use of the voters. And now wonder the masters of their 1848th And the "liberals" now sitting at the table of the arrogant monarch.
All this in the home country of liberalism. But the "liberals" with their party latch on to an old liberal mind: democracy yes .. But not everyone can really know about his education here, he should "reasonably" choose. Such an FDP is in this government in BarWürdenBerg ...
ceases to surprise you, and selects from the monarchy, the democratic opposition and do not want a conflict, but by rule .
time: After the monarchy before the monarchy
Status: only three beers but output
Occasion: is astonished people in the south of the country engrossed
Friday, October 8, 2010
Salmon Pattys No Eggs
The responsibility to communicate inspiration
Maybe it just me my head so amazed by alcohol, but I have a feeling that we are aware of the effects of a life in systems not yet. If you answer people questions about the meaning of an activity such as internetwork must, that's a bad sign. The raison d'être of human products is explained not just from the old world that is in clear systems and their production of meaning thought. I'm sorry, dear Luhmann from adults.
Yes, yes, yes is good: I know the monopolization of the term 'communication' by Luhmann. It remains the probelms of deductive, that explains so much new verkarmpft only, probably because the student brought the young heroes take the professor's hair in order to protect the neck hairs of his future auditors and not to disturb his rest autopoeitische. The old thinking does exist even in this world: It was indeed a revolution in the true sense of the break! We are living through a perpetual transition over several generations. But now to the new.
First off is the aspect Input / Output totally confused. The publication has become so easy that everyone on different platforms is already outputter. The pure consumption happens: clear. But a real meaning in a world of geographical proximity has become a shit, just the things (and people) that communicate . This communication has lost the form of dialogue by publishing circuits, such as Facebook or Twitter, long ago. In the future, it is more likely to go to individual short-lived phase in which one input or output is generated and wishes.
The aspect 'sense' has also become very fluid. Why certain things are popular, has not necessarily something to do with approval or rejection, but only with their Aufregungspotenzial and will be distributed solely because they are quasi gestures of entertainment, where you - sound like a tautology that may - see a proliferation potential. their right to exist is so you success and would cease to be defined by a gatekeeper, usually normative, civil or economic value. (Yes yes yes: there are agenda setting, I allow myself clear here, the actual state leave to time the communication scientists, nor the Foucauldian discourse, I leave it now from the outside.).
I guess on my part, that the number of those who already have an opinion or the consolidated itself Positions for their egos do, there will be more than those who want to be inspired - a legacy of the civil, set individualism. In this respect, would see proportionally more than outputter or brakes, for as Inputter / reader / viewer .
Does this imbalance? It is making objects that show up by the networks in common, they spread as something separate and uses them to yourself to confirm to the outside. The boundaries here at first, with the only difference being that the use or "Konsumat" is felt more as a separate product and just restrict the dissemination or the sense in networks represent. (I come not now with Luhmann just because you recognize a scheme, I want to something else beyond)
But what happens to the networks when they are dominated mainly by output stages are translated individuals involved in the sense of production in the sense described above no longer participate because they are indeed hard disc but not produce their own emotions out of small talk more? They (the networks) are paradoxically youthful.
The Hype-demand in the network will always find outputter who still believe in inspiration and poetic act. These are habitually the renewable, young people and their hooligans storm and stress phases. It is also still a small number of creative journalists, broadcasters, artists, intellectuals and waste type, facing a larger number of consumers. Unfortunately, the latter will perceive, however, made the input of the intelligent inspirers as their own output in the network and rarely pay for the inspiring, for some intangible power: Sad but true.
The only responsibility that you can exercise on the basis of a network that is based on distribution, is to communicate. But even that is many, just too much. The mouse click (like whether share. Or retweet), one would be too much, because many more even in the existence of authors believe they are not responsible for. who understands himself as a pure outputter, is outdated and does not understand the network society. The imbalance between little input and more output Tern Tern can function in the long run only on amateur level and is lavishly produced input revaluate steadily, if not consumed him.
If we shift our communication in publication Network (hereby I mean not the simple internet) we may not inspiring objects no longer of this world longer consider it necessary. We have to take responsibility for their communication in the sense of excitement, dissemination and assessment when the future Sense should not be an adolescent. The days of 'power toy' is over: Let us finally play on doors and do not as if the resulting network is not an effective reality, but a crazy "cyberspace" in which only a few stray depend Ghetto Kids! who receives nothing, not existing in the network society - at commenting may soon be no more. Take care!
time: time? It's about time!
Status: overwritten and finally at the end: Good night!
Occasion: scholars to sleep through the Internet
Maybe it just me my head so amazed by alcohol, but I have a feeling that we are aware of the effects of a life in systems not yet. If you answer people questions about the meaning of an activity such as internetwork must, that's a bad sign. The raison d'être of human products is explained not just from the old world that is in clear systems and their production of meaning thought. I'm sorry, dear Luhmann from adults.
Yes, yes, yes is good: I know the monopolization of the term 'communication' by Luhmann. It remains the probelms of deductive, that explains so much new verkarmpft only, probably because the student brought the young heroes take the professor's hair in order to protect the neck hairs of his future auditors and not to disturb his rest autopoeitische. The old thinking does exist even in this world: It was indeed a revolution in the true sense of the break! We are living through a perpetual transition over several generations. But now to the new.
First off is the aspect Input / Output totally confused. The publication has become so easy that everyone on different platforms is already outputter. The pure consumption happens: clear. But a real meaning in a world of geographical proximity has become a shit, just the things (and people) that communicate . This communication has lost the form of dialogue by publishing circuits, such as Facebook or Twitter, long ago. In the future, it is more likely to go to individual short-lived phase in which one input or output is generated and wishes.
The aspect 'sense' has also become very fluid. Why certain things are popular, has not necessarily something to do with approval or rejection, but only with their Aufregungspotenzial and will be distributed solely because they are quasi gestures of entertainment, where you - sound like a tautology that may - see a proliferation potential. their right to exist is so you success and would cease to be defined by a gatekeeper, usually normative, civil or economic value. (Yes yes yes: there are agenda setting, I allow myself clear here, the actual state leave to time the communication scientists, nor the Foucauldian discourse, I leave it now from the outside.).
I guess on my part, that the number of those who already have an opinion or the consolidated itself Positions for their egos do, there will be more than those who want to be inspired - a legacy of the civil, set individualism. In this respect, would see proportionally more than outputter or brakes, for as Inputter / reader / viewer .
Does this imbalance? It is making objects that show up by the networks in common, they spread as something separate and uses them to yourself to confirm to the outside. The boundaries here at first, with the only difference being that the use or "Konsumat" is felt more as a separate product and just restrict the dissemination or the sense in networks represent. (I come not now with Luhmann just because you recognize a scheme, I want to something else beyond)
But what happens to the networks when they are dominated mainly by output stages are translated individuals involved in the sense of production in the sense described above no longer participate because they are indeed hard disc but not produce their own emotions out of small talk more? They (the networks) are paradoxically youthful.
The Hype-demand in the network will always find outputter who still believe in inspiration and poetic act. These are habitually the renewable, young people and their hooligans storm and stress phases. It is also still a small number of creative journalists, broadcasters, artists, intellectuals and waste type, facing a larger number of consumers. Unfortunately, the latter will perceive, however, made the input of the intelligent inspirers as their own output in the network and rarely pay for the inspiring, for some intangible power: Sad but true.
The only responsibility that you can exercise on the basis of a network that is based on distribution, is to communicate. But even that is many, just too much. The mouse click (like whether share. Or retweet), one would be too much, because many more even in the existence of authors believe they are not responsible for. who understands himself as a pure outputter, is outdated and does not understand the network society. The imbalance between little input and more output Tern Tern can function in the long run only on amateur level and is lavishly produced input revaluate steadily, if not consumed him.
If we shift our communication in publication Network (hereby I mean not the simple internet) we may not inspiring objects no longer of this world longer consider it necessary. We have to take responsibility for their communication in the sense of excitement, dissemination and assessment when the future Sense should not be an adolescent. The days of 'power toy' is over: Let us finally play on doors and do not as if the resulting network is not an effective reality, but a crazy "cyberspace" in which only a few stray depend Ghetto Kids! who receives nothing, not existing in the network society - at commenting may soon be no more. Take care!
time: time? It's about time!
Status: overwritten and finally at the end: Good night!
Occasion: scholars to sleep through the Internet
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Omeprazole Out Of The System
hobbies and the death of thought
Stand in front of my blog and I am drunk, but not surprisingly inspired. It appears ever more frequently an atrocious idea in my head - or sub-head, if the reflection would somehow "subconsciously" call - at that worries me. One has the feeling that his whole environment would call him by various non-gestures by Nahelegungen by devaluations, "hobby"! An ugly concept.
What kind of a label: "hobby"? I have seen this thing before: A job in life that not everyone else has to take seriously because it is "a hobby" is. An activity of futility is attributed by its own categorization. A case whose significance lies in the interior. Model trains, stamp collecting, Blogging.
The initial contact with the attribute hobby was during exchanges in which one had to tell his Austuaschpartner what you have for hobbies. Since I was not even on it myself, what could be. It was then usually so bizarre penpal-Smalltalk offers, such as "cycling", "listening", "go to the movies", "play soccer": one containing the extracted something from his fingers. It was defined but not over it.
Then I learned the concept hobby as something good of women compared to the stupid, they do not comprehensible whimsy of their husbands. Soaring, said model trains, play Lotto broadcast, football, classic cars Assemble: The irrational Spielkind wait, that has no real meaning, which is ultimately ridiculous, this has to do with real life "for nothing.
And now I should understand the local intellectual, emotional and analytical work as a hobby? Pretend as if nothing had it all worth? Finally back on the alleged ground of the facts? What kind of a life in which the mind is nothing more, is represented in the political drive as ridiculous and irrelevant? Somehow poor.
When I do something that is not a hobby since I was serious. An 'experiment' would be an exception because it is an attempt to halt. However, I stand behind the things I do. If this blog ever do anything, no Isnspiration try on the floor of the facts, he was dead and I somehow, as a hobby to me too much stinks of dead people with their little hobby world but not with the world . deal Hobbies stink. It is not my hobby to use my head more than art. Even drunk, he can still compete with many .. for he has the sixth sense and can see dead people. ;)
My blog will therefore effect and is still proud of it.
time: late
Status: drunk but uninspired
Occasion: Hobbyismus blog should live without!
Stand in front of my blog and I am drunk, but not surprisingly inspired. It appears ever more frequently an atrocious idea in my head - or sub-head, if the reflection would somehow "subconsciously" call - at that worries me. One has the feeling that his whole environment would call him by various non-gestures by Nahelegungen by devaluations, "hobby"! An ugly concept.
What kind of a label: "hobby"? I have seen this thing before: A job in life that not everyone else has to take seriously because it is "a hobby" is. An activity of futility is attributed by its own categorization. A case whose significance lies in the interior. Model trains, stamp collecting, Blogging.
The initial contact with the attribute hobby was during exchanges in which one had to tell his Austuaschpartner what you have for hobbies. Since I was not even on it myself, what could be. It was then usually so bizarre penpal-Smalltalk offers, such as "cycling", "listening", "go to the movies", "play soccer": one containing the extracted something from his fingers. It was defined but not over it.
Then I learned the concept hobby as something good of women compared to the stupid, they do not comprehensible whimsy of their husbands. Soaring, said model trains, play Lotto broadcast, football, classic cars Assemble: The irrational Spielkind wait, that has no real meaning, which is ultimately ridiculous, this has to do with real life "for nothing.
And now I should understand the local intellectual, emotional and analytical work as a hobby? Pretend as if nothing had it all worth? Finally back on the alleged ground of the facts? What kind of a life in which the mind is nothing more, is represented in the political drive as ridiculous and irrelevant? Somehow poor.
When I do something that is not a hobby since I was serious. An 'experiment' would be an exception because it is an attempt to halt. However, I stand behind the things I do. If this blog ever do anything, no Isnspiration try on the floor of the facts, he was dead and I somehow, as a hobby to me too much stinks of dead people with their little hobby world but not with the world . deal Hobbies stink. It is not my hobby to use my head more than art. Even drunk, he can still compete with many .. for he has the sixth sense and can see dead people. ;)
My blog will therefore effect and is still proud of it.
time: late
Status: drunk but uninspired
Occasion: Hobbyismus blog should live without!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Trust Graphics Tablet Configuration
Support Workshop
We are excited to announce that we are this Thursday (September 16) in Vorarlberg had our first service workshop:) From a total of 14 supervisors (yes, because of our dual system, we really have so many supervisors;)) were present present a total of ten (!) - a very good record, considering that some of the supervisors are already learned a lot and have therefore not participated in the workshop.
About two hours we discussed various strategies and approaches, especially in terms of potential crises. In addition, of course, were "hard facts" discussed - what are the next dates, how's looks with Visa rules of what a rule break? All these and many more could be discussed! could also not be missing anecdotes from the past few years, AFS and getting to know one!
All in all we had a very nice evening and hope that next (care) year in Vorarlberg runs well! :)
We are excited to announce that we are this Thursday (September 16) in Vorarlberg had our first service workshop:) From a total of 14 supervisors (yes, because of our dual system, we really have so many supervisors;)) were present present a total of ten (!) - a very good record, considering that some of the supervisors are already learned a lot and have therefore not participated in the workshop.
About two hours we discussed various strategies and approaches, especially in terms of potential crises. In addition, of course, were "hard facts" discussed - what are the next dates, how's looks with Visa rules of what a rule break? All these and many more could be discussed! could also not be missing anecdotes from the past few years, AFS and getting to know one!
All in all we had a very nice evening and hope that next (care) year in Vorarlberg runs well! :)
Racquel Darrian Horse
start-up weekend of LK Vorarlberg
Just days after the family preparation - the weekend of 3 - 4 September - took place then the start-up weekend of LK Vorarlberg. In addition to the planning of next year, AFS was this year in particular the further Promotion of volunteering in the administrative structure of Vorarlberg in the foreground. Therefore, we looked forward especially, two returnees - to welcome in our group - Sybilla and Luke. Overall, we were at least eight people from all different age groups - a very nice result, considering that we are in the administrative district unfortunately always young volunteers "lost" because they set off for university ...
Thankfully us Wohlgenannt family - including a former AFS family - again her beautiful cottage on Thüringerberg made available. We were really excellent catered by Dieter us again with his spaghetti Bolognese and warm rolls in the morning spoiled - a big thank you to this point!
addition to all the organizing work and was allowed but of course the fun does not come too short, and so we played on Friday evening until the wee hours, "Who am I?" And told us about our AFS experiences. Overall, we
had a really wonderful and productive weekend and hope that next year again so we can spend a nice weekend! Thanks to all for the following ... Come along and hopefully in a detailed report of the Inter-Cultura!
Just days after the family preparation - the weekend of 3 - 4 September - took place then the start-up weekend of LK Vorarlberg. In addition to the planning of next year, AFS was this year in particular the further Promotion of volunteering in the administrative structure of Vorarlberg in the foreground. Therefore, we looked forward especially, two returnees - to welcome in our group - Sybilla and Luke. Overall, we were at least eight people from all different age groups - a very nice result, considering that we are in the administrative district unfortunately always young volunteers "lost" because they set off for university ...
Thankfully us Wohlgenannt family - including a former AFS family - again her beautiful cottage on Thüringerberg made available. We were really excellent catered by Dieter us again with his spaghetti Bolognese and warm rolls in the morning spoiled - a big thank you to this point!
addition to all the organizing work and was allowed but of course the fun does not come too short, and so we played on Friday evening until the wee hours, "Who am I?" And told us about our AFS experiences. Overall, we
had a really wonderful and productive weekend and hope that next year again so we can spend a nice weekend! Thanks to all for the following ... Come along and hopefully in a detailed report of the Inter-Cultura!
La Fitness Sales Counsellor
arrival welcoming students and Returneecamp Bregenz
After the beautiful but intense Returneecamp weekend we did not stay too much time to catch ... first came on 05 September then yes our hospitality students in Vorarlberg - we would like to welcome here all my warmest welcome and wish them and their family "a schüane common Zit! "
And the next weekend was then already held our Returneecamp in Bregenz, which was headed by Mona and Daniel. With five participants was a very good teacher ratio - the small group made it also possible to perform really deep conversations and a lot to learn about the experiences of the AFS Returnees. We realized a lot of time to listen and all participants are excellent! Ultimately, it was then also advantageous that the hostel cook for us because of low occupancy rates could not - the Italians, where we went to eat on Saturday evening which was really excellent! Not to mention
of course, here the excited "Who am I?" games, our new favorite games Vorarlberg ... The longer the game went, the more creative, the ideas, so we also expect in the end had to "just to be yourself."
Finally, one can only say that we had a really nice, successful Returneecamp and hope that some of us remain Returnees also "get"!
After the beautiful but intense Returneecamp weekend we did not stay too much time to catch ... first came on 05 September then yes our hospitality students in Vorarlberg - we would like to welcome here all my warmest welcome and wish them and their family "a schüane common Zit! "
And the next weekend was then already held our Returneecamp in Bregenz, which was headed by Mona and Daniel. With five participants was a very good teacher ratio - the small group made it also possible to perform really deep conversations and a lot to learn about the experiences of the AFS Returnees. We realized a lot of time to listen and all participants are excellent! Ultimately, it was then also advantageous that the hostel cook for us because of low occupancy rates could not - the Italians, where we went to eat on Saturday evening which was really excellent! Not to mention
of course, here the excited "Who am I?" games, our new favorite games Vorarlberg ... The longer the game went, the more creative, the ideas, so we also expect in the end had to "just to be yourself."
Finally, one can only say that we had a really nice, successful Returneecamp and hope that some of us remain Returnees also "get"!
How Your Period Should Look
family preparation
On the same day as the meeting with LK Tirol (August 31) also was the host family prepare the LK Vorarlberg. A total of five took the seven families (the other two were on holiday and unfortunately prevented ...) to prepare the family part! At the same time were also six supervisors of the party, so even able to hold its first contact with the host families. After the meeting we are all very good things - we look forward to a nice AFS year with our students and families!
On the same day as the meeting with LK Tirol (August 31) also was the host family prepare the LK Vorarlberg. A total of five took the seven families (the other two were on holiday and unfortunately prevented ...) to prepare the family part! At the same time were also six supervisors of the party, so even able to hold its first contact with the host families. After the meeting we are all very good things - we look forward to a nice AFS year with our students and families!
Stop Dog From Destroying Bed
meeting with LK Tirol
was total, the past month in Vorarlberg very intense - as well in most LKs! :)
started the "intensive" program with a meeting between majoring in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. A total of five people we met in Theresienbräu in Innsbruck, to arrange the dates and camps for the upcoming AFS. Actually was able to clarify all the information and responsibilities for the next year, we will make sure the work a lot! We hope that cooperation with the LK Tirol also works well again next year! :)
was total, the past month in Vorarlberg very intense - as well in most LKs! :)
started the "intensive" program with a meeting between majoring in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. A total of five people we met in Theresienbräu in Innsbruck, to arrange the dates and camps for the upcoming AFS. Actually was able to clarify all the information and responsibilities for the next year, we will make sure the work a lot! We hope that cooperation with the LK Tirol also works well again next year! :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sara Jay An Flower Tucci
Flattr balance
A short interim report from a subjective perspective.
Flattr is probably not likely to be understood as a network. It maintained there are no contacts, no connections established, no interests at the basis of "scenes" or groups. This would be theoretically possible, as is quite simply tags and also by tracking the "donor" a search. RMS is the "praise" by pressing the buttons Flattr thus very anonymous - as opposed to written comments.
am now on 1 July and it was recently my 50th Piece of text or blog with Flattr button fitted. So far, I have known no other Flattr users personally, which initially leads to the conclusion that 'the portal' Flattr have to be related to its "undiscovered things" suggestions, and the local category search either no or dissatisfied Flattr users. A person has acknowledged a very old post with one click. Overall, I have thus earned € 0.27.
'm still remains a fan of the retrospective assessment of network contributions. If I were in Flattr it, even if I would publish anything? Yes, but ... probably only if I know of a creative or service personally would like to support the I-line. Here comes the support principle for carrying, which I attached much: this is a matter of honor for me! Anyone who has made music schonmal or made other projects off the ground, white, naturally, the acquaintance and friend support. € 2 per month! I'll pay just like to know how to access the Internet.
Unfortunately, I believe that many Internet users place in their entertainment budgets tend to end devices. If we are considering, all the iPhones would not have been purchased, but the same funds flowed into the sales of power producers ..
Many have probably fear running costs and then pay it off payments Fanta Tilli Arden for gadgets. The pay-principle is the enemy of entrepreneurial self: it "invested" and does not depend on. (Of course you can speak at a function Flattr .. but not this knowledge is not widespread.) 10 cents a month for a blog would be 10 idealistic independent spending too much for the realists out there. All realists would be to make producers might be a way out .. but unfortunately they have to say anything except: "I!" and "money" and "power."
I Make the continuation of this blog Flattr-income dependent? Of course not. But of support. Whether Weitermpfehlungen, comments, Clicks, love, hate or other Envolvement: consider just how unequal validity could look like .. wish a lot of imagination!
Here are other texts on the subject:
Flattr satire
Flattr resistance
time: after the experiment
Status: somehow sobered
Occasion: where's the love? Blog prefer to pay outfitters and barrier alone read?
A short interim report from a subjective perspective.
Flattr is probably not likely to be understood as a network. It maintained there are no contacts, no connections established, no interests at the basis of "scenes" or groups. This would be theoretically possible, as is quite simply tags and also by tracking the "donor" a search. RMS is the "praise" by pressing the buttons Flattr thus very anonymous - as opposed to written comments.
am now on 1 July and it was recently my 50th Piece of text or blog with Flattr button fitted. So far, I have known no other Flattr users personally, which initially leads to the conclusion that 'the portal' Flattr have to be related to its "undiscovered things" suggestions, and the local category search either no or dissatisfied Flattr users. A person has acknowledged a very old post with one click. Overall, I have thus earned € 0.27.
'm still remains a fan of the retrospective assessment of network contributions. If I were in Flattr it, even if I would publish anything? Yes, but ... probably only if I know of a creative or service personally would like to support the I-line. Here comes the support principle for carrying, which I attached much: this is a matter of honor for me! Anyone who has made music schonmal or made other projects off the ground, white, naturally, the acquaintance and friend support. € 2 per month! I'll pay just like to know how to access the Internet.
Unfortunately, I believe that many Internet users place in their entertainment budgets tend to end devices. If we are considering, all the iPhones would not have been purchased, but the same funds flowed into the sales of power producers ..
Many have probably fear running costs and then pay it off payments Fanta Tilli Arden for gadgets. The pay-principle is the enemy of entrepreneurial self: it "invested" and does not depend on. (Of course you can speak at a function Flattr .. but not this knowledge is not widespread.) 10 cents a month for a blog would be 10 idealistic independent spending too much for the realists out there. All realists would be to make producers might be a way out .. but unfortunately they have to say anything except: "I!" and "money" and "power."
I Make the continuation of this blog Flattr-income dependent? Of course not. But of support. Whether Weitermpfehlungen, comments, Clicks, love, hate or other Envolvement: consider just how unequal validity could look like .. wish a lot of imagination!
Here are other texts on the subject:
Flattr satire
Flattr resistance
time: after the experiment
Status: somehow sobered
Occasion: where's the love? Blog prefer to pay outfitters and barrier alone read?
Monday, June 28, 2010
46 Years Old Want My First Lesbian Experience
City Council resolution: budget deliberations
The signatories to make the request in July to set a budget discussion to bring in any savings proposals in the budget session in the fall.
Reason: Due to the high
Debt at federal, state and local are all forced to make savings.
The Government with all units to submit proposals for savings, including voluntary services.
Citizens, associations and organizations are at an early stage to draw attention to the cuts and savings are even called upon to submit proposals.
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Reason: Due to the high
Debt at federal, state and local are all forced to make savings.
The Government with all units to submit proposals for savings, including voluntary services.
Citizens, associations and organizations are at an early stage to draw attention to the cuts and savings are even called upon to submit proposals.
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Ingeborg Pongratz
Margit bowl
Ludwig Zellner
Bernd O. Friedrich
Christine Ackermann
Prof. Dr. Christoph Zeitler
Kirsten Sauter
Elke March-Granda
Foto Lola (hannah Montana)
City Council resolution: Exhibition at the residence of German construction "Archaeology Ceramic "
on urgent request to the plenary on the 25.06.2010 at the residence of the German Building Exhibition "Archaeological Ceramics" on 11/09/2010
The City Council may the issue to a later date move.
Reason: It is unwise
the second before the horse to do. There is no use concept for the entire museum with the stables.
Only a comprehensive approach should be submitted, which should be fixed in the spaces for which objects are best. According to Mr. Mayor
Rampf but such a concept is not currently available.
The early part of the exhibition is therefore too early.
It would be desirable to have a synergistic concept, is created taking into account the space constraints of our beautiful residence. One could
the large spaces bring the hallways and the connecting corridors by appropriate positioning of the exhibits in a historical line.
The date for the opening of the exhibition is therefore planned to set early, as yet nothing definite is planned.
Ingeborg Pongratz
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Margit bowl
on urgent request to the plenary on the 25.06.2010 at the residence of the German Building Exhibition "Archaeological Ceramics" on 11/09/2010
The City Council may the issue to a later date move.
Reason: It is unwise
the second before the horse to do. There is no use concept for the entire museum with the stables.
Only a comprehensive approach should be submitted, which should be fixed in the spaces for which objects are best. According to Mr. Mayor
Rampf but such a concept is not currently available.
The early part of the exhibition is therefore too early.
It would be desirable to have a synergistic concept, is created taking into account the space constraints of our beautiful residence. One could
the large spaces bring the hallways and the connecting corridors by appropriate positioning of the exhibits in a historical line.
The date for the opening of the exhibition is therefore planned to set early, as yet nothing definite is planned.
Ingeborg Pongratz
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Margit bowl
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Big Toe Swollen Cuticle
situation Park District Office / Achdorf Hospital - Press release of the Group Citizens for Landshut e. V.
Citizens for Landshut support an initiative of the resident population in the environment of the district administration office and Achdorf hospital, which leads to a solution of parking problems. With the ever increasing development and expansion of the hospital / health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
The construction of an additional parking space for employees out, due to the low capacity probably not solve the traffic problems. It is also necessary to consider whether the planning of the employee parking lot to the land use plan, the only land for housing expels equivalent.
For a short-term solution suggested that the City identifies the affected local residents in need so-called residents parking.
medium term solution is to look for is that the centrally located surface parking is to rebuild in a multi-story parking deck.
The daily traffic jams, especially during rush hour, at the traffic lights to the junction in the Witt Gratz mountain road, can by placing a "green arrow" to avoid turning right. During the red phase at Gratz mountain substantial traffic gaps on the road towards the tunnel and Witt Kupfereck, a right turn into the road Witt Reduction of traffic jams make. So far during the green phase, the turning into the Witt Road is only while the pedestrian green phase is possible on Witt Road. The results, which can turn a maximum of three vehicles. In addition, the bus route will be delayed. The establishment of a "green arrow" promotes the acceleration process of public transport. The conditions of the Road for the creation of a "green arrow" are met. Further investigations and delays for the installation of a "green arrow" are superfluous from the perspective of BFL.
Citizens for Landshut support an initiative of the resident population in the environment of the district administration office and Achdorf hospital, which leads to a solution of parking problems. With the ever increasing development and expansion of the hospital / health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
The construction of an additional parking space for employees out, due to the low capacity probably not solve the traffic problems. It is also necessary to consider whether the planning of the employee parking lot to the land use plan, the only land for housing expels equivalent.
For a short-term solution suggested that the City identifies the affected local residents in need so-called residents parking.
medium term solution is to look for is that the centrally located surface parking is to rebuild in a multi-story parking deck.
The daily traffic jams, especially during rush hour, at the traffic lights to the junction in the Witt Gratz mountain road, can by placing a "green arrow" to avoid turning right. During the red phase at Gratz mountain substantial traffic gaps on the road towards the tunnel and Witt Kupfereck, a right turn into the road Witt Reduction of traffic jams make. So far during the green phase, the turning into the Witt Road is only while the pedestrian green phase is possible on Witt Road. The results, which can turn a maximum of three vehicles. In addition, the bus route will be delayed. The establishment of a "green arrow" promotes the acceleration process of public transport. The conditions of the Road for the creation of a "green arrow" are met. Further investigations and delays for the installation of a "green arrow" are superfluous from the perspective of BFL.
Driving Truck On Snowmobile Trail
urgent request for acc. Construction and Transportation Senate on 29/04/2010
Since the measure has delayed the establishment of a "green arrow" at the traffic lights Gratz Berg / Witt road again, we now ask that body to decide immediately.
The Highway Code, according to given criteria are met. The visibility of the traffic lights turn left towards Kupfereck is given.
The waiting times of buses that have to enter the peak in the Witt Gratz Street be shortened or eliminated. Thus the public transport acceleration method is taken into account.
The waiting times of the other car traffic will be shortened as well. A daily vehicle traffic, especially during morning and evening rush is avoided at this point.
Bernd O. Friedrich
The Highway Code, according to given criteria are met. The visibility of the traffic lights turn left towards Kupfereck is given.
The waiting times of buses that have to enter the peak in the Witt Gratz Street be shortened or eliminated. Thus the public transport acceleration method is taken into account.
The waiting times of the other car traffic will be shortened as well. A daily vehicle traffic, especially during morning and evening rush is avoided at this point.
Bernd O. Friedrich
Rosemarie Schwenkert
Margit bowl
Where To Buy 8% Acetic Vinegar
urgent request; parking situation in the area of the District Office / County Achdorf hospital / medical center
The City Council may instruct the administration to contact regarding the traffic situation around the district office, district hospital Achdorf and doctors with the district in negotiations, the goal-directed to a solution of unacceptable traffic conditions leads.
Due to growing development and expansion of the district hospital, health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
also a construction of a parking lot does not lead to a Solution. The residents fear that the proposed staff car park a further unfair burden by emissions, noise, parking lot lighting, winter maintenance and ultimately leading to an impairment of the land.
occasion by Funeral / memorial services at the adjacent cemetery Achdorf, lack of parking space, parked cars, the streets of the adjacent residential areas.
Negotiations with the county should ultimately include as a goal towards a transformation of the centrally located surface parking spaces in a multi-story parking deck.
short-term solution is to examine whether the concerned neighbors reported so-called private residents parking be.
It must also consider whether the plan meets the employee parking lot to the land use plan that identifies areas exclusively for housing.
Bernd O. Friedrich
Due to growing development and expansion of the district hospital, health center and district authorities in the volume of traffic to an unbearable burden on the private residents in the area has become.
also a construction of a parking lot does not lead to a Solution. The residents fear that the proposed staff car park a further unfair burden by emissions, noise, parking lot lighting, winter maintenance and ultimately leading to an impairment of the land.
occasion by Funeral / memorial services at the adjacent cemetery Achdorf, lack of parking space, parked cars, the streets of the adjacent residential areas.
Negotiations with the county should ultimately include as a goal towards a transformation of the centrally located surface parking spaces in a multi-story parking deck.
short-term solution is to examine whether the concerned neighbors reported so-called private residents parking be.
It must also consider whether the plan meets the employee parking lot to the land use plan that identifies areas exclusively for housing.
Bernd O. Friedrich
Signed Rosemarie Schwenkert
Signed Margaret bowl
Friday, April 16, 2010
Front License Plate Mount Honda Civic
Misleading reporting
letter to the report "Ellermühle cost € 540 00" LAZ from 9.4.10 and the letter "profit made" from 10.4.10
Not 54-thousand, as stated in the title, but 541-thousand euro
indicative total cost in 2009 occurred on the airfield Ellermühle.
Not only the total cost of providing false negligent in the title is to be criticized. The title of the editor gives the reader a feeling that only enormous costs incurred at the airfield Ellermühle. Only from the further report on the Plenaranfrage the BFL Group (Citizens for Landshut), information on the City Treasury revenue and to identify the revenue and expenditure of the municipal utilities from the profit and loss account. Sun confronts the income of around 525 thousand euros to spend roughly 541-thousand euro. This results in a difference of about 16-thousand euros loss is covered by non-listed revenue from such as the proportions of wage and income taxes of the airport staff (31 full-time and 18 part-time workers) and other synergies beyond. In summary therefore the operating results of the airfield is to assess the national economy with a black zero.
CORRECT is the understandable criticism of the letter writer (Ms. Patricia Esterl), the Costs of the "special report" from 152 700 €. It is true that costs a lot worse for the advice on the expansion of the airfield runway and extending the Net Income in 2009 and thus prevent a profit of 136,100 EUR. Mistake, however, that these costs do not include the profit and ment for. There are entertainment expenses, which are thus to do so.
The crucial question, however, when these reports to extend the runway have been given in order. Was it during the term of the two public decisions? From the work of the Senate, we know that was "sold out" in 2009, according to what the answer to our Plenaranfrage the amount of any expenditure an updated report at that level for decision standen.In this point, a further inquiry is differentiated to the facts.
Bernd O. Friedrich
City Council
BFL Group Chairman
Not 54-thousand, as stated in the title, but 541-thousand euro
indicative total cost in 2009 occurred on the airfield Ellermühle.
Not only the total cost of providing false negligent in the title is to be criticized. The title of the editor gives the reader a feeling that only enormous costs incurred at the airfield Ellermühle. Only from the further report on the Plenaranfrage the BFL Group (Citizens for Landshut), information on the City Treasury revenue and to identify the revenue and expenditure of the municipal utilities from the profit and loss account. Sun confronts the income of around 525 thousand euros to spend roughly 541-thousand euro. This results in a difference of about 16-thousand euros loss is covered by non-listed revenue from such as the proportions of wage and income taxes of the airport staff (31 full-time and 18 part-time workers) and other synergies beyond. In summary therefore the operating results of the airfield is to assess the national economy with a black zero.
CORRECT is the understandable criticism of the letter writer (Ms. Patricia Esterl), the Costs of the "special report" from 152 700 €. It is true that costs a lot worse for the advice on the expansion of the airfield runway and extending the Net Income in 2009 and thus prevent a profit of 136,100 EUR. Mistake, however, that these costs do not include the profit and ment for. There are entertainment expenses, which are thus to do so.
The crucial question, however, when these reports to extend the runway have been given in order. Was it during the term of the two public decisions? From the work of the Senate, we know that was "sold out" in 2009, according to what the answer to our Plenaranfrage the amount of any expenditure an updated report at that level for decision standen.In this point, a further inquiry is differentiated to the facts.
Bernd O. Friedrich
City Council
BFL Group Chairman
Bursitis How Long Recover
profit made
Report "Ellermühle costs 54,000 euros" LZ of 9 April:
Unfortunately, listening to the propaganda against the airport Landshut / Ellermühle not. To rectify the following account of the numbers of the article:
revenue of the city: Gerwerbesteuer 180 000 € + ground rent 50 500 = 230 500 euros, revenues of public utilities: fuel sales 142 200 € + allowance air traffic control 152 400 € = 294 600 Euro, total revenue : 525 100 euros.
expense of the city: 541 700 euros, excluding the special report of 152 700 euros, as this is not going Betreibskosten = total expenditure of 389 000 euros, profit: 136 100 euros.
thus achieved the airport despite the economic crisis, a gain of 136 100 euros. Taking into account that the gas station at least two months and was not usable by missing significant loss of revenue from fuel sales and from landing fees, that record is very good.
The result will be worse but 2010, with reduced since the last flight of PTL revenue from fuel sales and landing fees. And whose fault is it?
Patricia Esterl
84034 Shut
Report "Ellermühle costs 54,000 euros" LZ of 9 April:
Unfortunately, listening to the propaganda against the airport Landshut / Ellermühle not. To rectify the following account of the numbers of the article:
revenue of the city: Gerwerbesteuer 180 000 € + ground rent 50 500 = 230 500 euros, revenues of public utilities: fuel sales 142 200 € + allowance air traffic control 152 400 € = 294 600 Euro, total revenue : 525 100 euros.
expense of the city: 541 700 euros, excluding the special report of 152 700 euros, as this is not going Betreibskosten = total expenditure of 389 000 euros, profit: 136 100 euros.
thus achieved the airport despite the economic crisis, a gain of 136 100 euros. Taking into account that the gas station at least two months and was not usable by missing significant loss of revenue from fuel sales and from landing fees, that record is very good.
The result will be worse but 2010, with reduced since the last flight of PTL revenue from fuel sales and landing fees. And whose fault is it?
Patricia Esterl
84034 Shut
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