Friday, April 16, 2010

Front License Plate Mount Honda Civic

Misleading reporting

letter to the report "Ellermühle cost € 540 00" LAZ from 9.4.10 and the letter "profit made" from 10.4.10

Not 54-thousand, as stated in the title, but 541-thousand euro
indicative total cost in 2009 occurred on the airfield Ellermühle.
Not only the total cost of providing false negligent in the title is to be criticized. The title of the editor gives the reader a feeling that only enormous costs incurred at the airfield Ellermühle. Only from the further report on the Plenaranfrage the BFL Group (Citizens for Landshut), information on the City Treasury revenue and to identify the revenue and expenditure of the municipal utilities from the profit and loss account. Sun confronts the income of around 525 thousand euros to spend roughly 541-thousand euro. This results in a difference of about 16-thousand euros loss is covered by non-listed revenue from such as the proportions of wage and income taxes of the airport staff (31 full-time and 18 part-time workers) and other synergies beyond. In summary therefore the operating results of the airfield is to assess the national economy with a black zero.
CORRECT is the understandable criticism of the letter writer (Ms. Patricia Esterl), the Costs of the "special report" from 152 700 €. It is true that costs a lot worse for the advice on the expansion of the airfield runway and extending the Net Income in 2009 and thus prevent a profit of 136,100 EUR. Mistake, however, that these costs do not include the profit and ment for. There are entertainment expenses, which are thus to do so.
The crucial question, however, when these reports to extend the runway have been given in order. Was it during the term of the two public decisions? From the work of the Senate, we know that was "sold out" in 2009, according to what the answer to our Plenaranfrage the amount of any expenditure an updated report at that level for decision standen.In this point, a further inquiry is differentiated to the facts.

Bernd O. Friedrich
City Council
BFL Group Chairman


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