Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Make Tahitian Hip Belts

Gated communities on two legs

Will now continue my drunken Reflections on 'independence'. The city and the Christmas shopping gave me quite connecting factors and events, the arrogance jumps as overrated a contrary attitude of independence in many places.

If, like me, living in a city with a lot of money and many fashion suppliers with walk-in customers, we will not pass to humans who believe anything to need. Male machismo here is just as disgusting as female blasé - in order to clarify the times. When you walk through the streets, parading one sees it, imagine catwalks, billboards . Imitate Shoppers people who believe in their frugality, and again at the same time professionally designed luxury objects: a paradox.

that young people need to protect themselves in need of a facade, to meet humiliation and innuendo, or at best be able to escape, is clear. Some - excuse: many! - This pubertal stage but never overcome. Especially the evident belief of many passers-by, none of their fellow human beings could offer them something useful, each question on their answers would be made as early as the dedicated acquaintances which we are accustomed, their environment qua swarm intelligence already the perfect selection for everything relevant in life. The Inviolability is here transfigured to intelligence! For women, their appearance

pledge for integrity and independence is apparent, for both men with careers and their Normalo Dad-mobile now, too. The city, the shopping street of the train suspension system, the people ignore the determination of the gated communities on two legs. For many of the acts commonly known as "independent": A person who does not need other people more. Thinking in the boardrooms of the monetary hierarchies in his narcissistic tendencies of a tragedy for the formation of character. Men buy, women such as luxury items, women buy men for their entertainment and thereby escape the Aryan discourse not. A self-created, on an aesthetic distinction, must believe in superiority, which ultimately must be beautiful women's bodies and money dynasties end up in a descent explanation.

I am richer, more powerful, not because I have learned thought, but simply because I'm the better of her material. The independence - as seen in these circles like: as financially - here is a genetic determinism. These people interact with their environment, since they must believe in the logic of their superiority. One expects nothing from the mob.

The fact that these elites by intelligence incest daft and World Wars , Brought cheer we got in the last century have proved. This condescending arrogance on the road, these adolescent weaknesses "seasoned" women and men scare me. If they are ultimately, as in other countries resort to tougher measures to suppress the public knowledge that they are demented snobs with no value for this company? How much effort will pursue them to contradictory and knowledge in order to suppress non-genetic, general intelligence? Walter Scheuerl has with its public relations exercise at 6 years of shared learning and his many supporters from the Hamburg bourgeoisie already given a first answer is that you give Everything! And a lot of money! Anyone who is not pretty enough for intermarriage or ancestry enough to the elite membership has to stay dumb and stupid, so that the world is on.

Very immature. Even ridiculous, you sailor! Without your everyday would blase arrogance and your dying, for you are by your intellectual inbreeding has become a bit too slow in the head. I take it personally in any case, drunk with your anti-philosophy. Sober I would leave corpses and women who leave your sons, without making a profit. So, building walls! ;)

to independence is somehow also the ability to survive without medium. In addition, you have to look down on people not to be something. For many assets, however, just that their only Selbstlegitimierung. Sad.

time: Something before Christmas
Status: steady flow of beer for several hours
Occasion: Plumpe inviolability asserts itself as a style for adults.


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