Thursday, January 6, 2011

Watch Doctor Loo And The Filthy Phaleks

christen compliance

What was really going on recently with the TV feature to Christencverfolgung? At least the ZDF presented world maps that showed all the countries of persecution. Source of these materials were all Christian organizations.

addition to the sad fact that people are being persecuted for their spiritual self-will, first you have to laugh: When did pride themselves as Christians as a free thinker? The Pope appoints still the infidels, believes he can draw the history of Christianity from the beginning to the end of the line as suabere Rethorikfeind Jesus to our media staged a religion with its rhetorical maneuvers and proclaiming the truth of God.

That the persecution of Christians is an issue is 'symptomatic' - as we say social scientists. It is the symptom of a societal need. Like Sarrazin was the symptom of a social need. It must, therefore, any self-questioning, why he wants to show to others. Is this really the desire for universal rite-righteousness? What a joke ..

In Germany, most of the C-party taken over again the entire Muslim world in tribal, racial and faith-party: While not a Christian in Yemen, a free Christian man is quite possible with State-lot or unthreatened travel entrepreneur in the tribal areas while has to fill in Bavaria and the demented Judeo-Christian Tradition Reich Germany not a Muslim or someone who looks like an entitlement.

By the way: When did the French Revolution, Kant and other promoters of freedom and the intellectual force that they have long provoked a Judeo-Christian tradition? Just because the spiritual life of each emancipate itself from the idiotic dogmatic philosophies of religions, has had? Then Hitler would be a tradition of democracy. Stupid Gottesgesetzbefolger were in rare cases, the drive for the humanistic development of Europe - even if there were cases and accidents occasionally.

ZDF was quite accessible - intended as a feel-good television - ever since its founding by Adenauer. Here at least no development is observed. Christian persecution in other countries is a dummy report. Because Christians are no better people or a freethinker, but would if they had the power, just bully Sun Why not really get Sarrazin broadcast on ZDF or the BR? Christians of Freedom to speak, irritate me at least ..

time: tachometer shortly before the end
Status: drunk
Occasion: The poor Christians ..


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